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Showtime Contracts

⚠️ This repository is archived and won't be getting new updates.

👉 New development is happening at showtime-contracts-v2

This repository contains the Solidity smart contracts for the the early versions of Showtime:

  • the shared Showtime NFT collection
  • the built-in marketplace
  • the meta-transaction framework
  • the gated transaction framework

Foundry tests



ShowtimeMT is the NFT contract used on the Showtime platform, it is an ERC1155 that implements ERC2981 royalties.

It uses BiconomyForwarder (0x86C80a8aa58e0A4fa09A69624c31Ab2a6CAD56b8) as the trusted forwarder for EIP-2771 meta-transactions. Meta-transactions enable gas-less transactions (from the end user's point of view):

  • a user wants to create an NFT
  • the app can prompt users to sign a message with the appropriate parameters
  • this message is sent to the Biconomy API
  • the BiconomyForwarder contract then interacts with ShowtimeMT on behalf of the end user
  • ShowtimeMT calls BaseRelayRecipient._msgSender() to get the address of the end user, msg.sender would return the address of the BiconomyForwarder


ShowtimeV1Market is the marketplace for Showtime NFTs.

Users can either interact with the contract directly or through meta-transactions using the BiconomyForwarder method described above.

Users can:

  • list a given amount of a token id for sale for a specific number of ERC20 tokens
  • cancel a listing
  • complete a sale (swap ERC20 tokens for the NFT listed for sale). If royalties are enabled, the corresponding portion of the ERC20 payment is transferred to the royalties recipient. Currently, we would expect this to be the creator of the NFT on Showtime.

Note: sales can be partial, e.g. if N tokens are for sale in a particular listing, the buyer can purchase M tokens where M <= N. The listing is then updated to reflect that there are now only N - M tokens left for sale.

The owner can:

  • pause the contract, which effectively prevents the completion of sales
  • add or remove ERC20 contract addresses that can be used to buy and sell NFTs
  • turn royalty payments on and off

Some limitations:

  • it is hardcoded to only support a single ShowtimeMT contract
  • it only supports transactions in a configurable list of ERC20 tokens, no native currency
  • it only supports buying and selling at a fixed price, no auctions
  • listings don't have an expiration date
  • the owner has no control over NFTs or any other balance owned by the ShowtimeV1Market contract

Getting started

  • Clone the repository

  • Install dependencies

# fetch the dependencies under node_modules/
yarn install

# fetch the dependencies under lib/
git submodule update --init

Configure project

  • Copy .example.env to .env
cp .example.env .env
  • Configure the appropriate values in .env


forge build
  • Lint with
yarn lint:sol

Run tests

forge test
  • Run a single test file
forge test --match-contract ShowtimeV1MarketTest
  • Run a single test:
forge test --match testCannotBuyWhenPaused

Deploy smart contracts with hardhat

on hardhat local network

npx hardhat deploy

on Mumbai Testnet

npx hardhat deploy --network mumbai

on Polygon Mainnet

npx hardhat deploy --network polygon

Choosing the deployment address

In hardhat.config.ts, see namedAccounts.deployer

Docs for named accounts:

Verify a deployed contract

# will attempt to verify all the contracts tracked under deployments/<network>
npx hardhat --network mumbai etherscan-verify
# verify a specific contract, e.g. an implementation or internal contract
npx hardhat --network polygon verify 0xF67Ce0322C440140F79C2edd6d5d850EAdC39ab5

Showtime Forwarder

Has the default request type registered:

    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 value,
    uint256 gas,
    uint256 nonce,
    bytes data,
    uint256 validUntilTime)

Registered domain:

  • name:
  • version: v1


Getting this failure when building:

Failed to resolve file:
"lib/nft-editions/lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC721.sol": No such file or directory (os error 2).
Check configured remappings.

Rebuilding lib/nft-editions should resolve the missed dependencies:

(cd lib/nft-editions && forge build)

Missing dependencies found. Installing now...