We provide a C module, as a Postgres extension, to pseudonymize text data.
make install
And create the extension
psql 'postgresql://superuser@localhost:5432/database' -c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_ff3;"
Update the postgresql.conf file with
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_ff3'
ff3.passphrase = 'super-secret'
ff3.tweak = 'some-random-text'
ff3.group = 'some-group-name'
Insert information in the proper schema.table for the keys
INSERT INTO ff3.keys(key,tweak,alphabet)
VALUES ('\xEF4359D8D580AA4F7F036D6F04FC6A942B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C'::bytea,
Moreover, for all database users belonging to the group some-group-name
, the ff3.int8 output is pseudonymized with an HMAC-SHA256 of the connected username using the above parameters.
The superuser bypasses the pseudonymization.
WITH encrypted AS (
SELECT ff3.encrypt(<KEY-ID>, '<some-word>')
), decrypted AS (
SELECT ff3.decrypt(<SAME-KEY-ID>, e.encrypt) FROM encrypted e
SELECT '<some-word>' AS original,
encrypted.encrypt AS enc,
decrypted.decrypt AS dec,
(decrypted.decrypt = '<some-word>') as match
FROM encrypted, decrypted;
As the superuser:
database=# CREATE TABLE testing ( id ff3.int8 PRIMARY KEY, content text);
database=# GRANT SELECT ON testing TO pseudo; # user in the group to force pseudonymization
database=# GRANT SELECT ON testing TO regular; # user bypassing pseudonymization
database=# INSERT INTO testing VALUES (123, 'some text'), (456, 'some other text');
As the superuser (or a user not in the group some-group-name
, say regular
database=# SELECT * FROM testing;
id | description
000000000000000123 | some text
000000000000000456 | some other text
(2 rows)
As the user in the group some-group-name
(say pseudo
database=> SELECT * FROM testing;
id | description
555990810600631752 | some text
706703104394323215 | some other text
(2 rows)
Internally, the ff3.int8
is a bigint in the range [0, 999999999999999999]
that gets displayed over 18 chars, padded with zeros.