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Personalisation Module

Maintainer contacts:

* Mark Stephens ([email protected])
* Carlos Barberis ([email protected])


This module provides personalisation services to a SilverStripe application. Personalisation schemes can be set up in the CMS, and these can be rendered into templates or other UI as desired. Each scheme typically defines variations and rules that determine which variation is presented in a given circumstance.

Variations embody presentation behaviours. Some of the built-in variations include:

  • Render a clickable image
  • Render text
  • Render markup from a SilverStripe template

New variations can be defined by the developer.

Rules are executed within a context. This is an extendable set of properties with values that the admin user can use to define the rules. The properties are organised into a namespace. Some properties are predefined by the module, but typically a site will introduce new properties, via custom context handlers or via the tracker.

The module implements basic tracking, and can be made to use the session, a member login or a tracking cookie to track a user's actions on the site. The tracker exposes a simple API that lets the developer manipulate and query the information stored in the tracker.

The key interfaces and classes are:

  • ContextProvider - the key interface that supports retrieving property values for personalisation decision making.
  • DefaultContextProvider - a default implementor of ContextProvider, and designed to be good for a wide range of uses. It is anticipated that this will be used on all sites that have the module. It's behaviour can be extended with handlers.
  • Tracker - the key interface for tracking behaviour. Generally this is called for writing only; reading is usually performed through DefaultContextProvider, which asks the tracker for properties when it needs them.
  • TrackingStore - the key interface that needs to be implemented by anything that can store tracking information. This includes rquerying, storing and getting metadata.
  • DefaultTrackingStore - a simple implementor of TrackingStore that is suitable for tracking on smaller scale (e.g.


The module should be considered alpha state. Features that are current present include:

  • A CMS interface for defining basic personalisation schemes.
  • A set of common properties that can be queried.
  • An API for adding new properties programmatically.
  • A tracker that can be configured to use different types of identity for a site user.
  • A tracking store that can hold tracking information.

Planned features that are not currently present include:

  • Extra rule base for automatic derivation of new properties in a tracking store, and a process to support that.
  • Statistics gathering and reporting for variation rendering / clicks.
  • More sophisticated querying of tracker.
  • Support for aging of tracker data and varying confidence levels


You'll need SilverStripe 3.0 or higher. Put the module directory into the top-level directory of your project as usual, and perform a dev/build.

A Personalisation tab will appear in the CMS interface. By default it will enable the default tracker, which uses the SilverStripe database for storage.


The module uses the SilverStripe 3 configuration system, and provides default values for personalisation config items, which can be overridden by project as required.

Default Context Provider

DefaultContextProvider, which is the default implementer of ContextProvider, maintains a list of handlers (which themselves implement ContextProvider). There are two handlers built in, both of which are enabled:

  • DefaultContextHandler implements a set of properties that expose the current request.
  • TrackerContextHandler extends this namespace with the Tracker functionality.

The default configuration is in personalisation/_config/default.yml

To define your own context handler, you can


Tracking is performed by the Tracker class. This maintains a list of one or more objects that implement the TrackingStore interface.

The tracker needs to be initialised before use. This is done by calling:


This will initialise the Tracker and add DefaultTrackingStore as the sole tracking store.

Alternatively, if you want to implement your own TrackingStore, you call initialise the tracker as follows:

Tracker::self::add_store("mytracker", "MyTrackingStoreClass");

Module Design

Key information structures are:

  • context, which is a set of namespace property/values.

The key classes and interfaces in the module are as follows:

  • Personalisation scheme - a holder for personalisation configuration that can be used to generate render output.
  • ContextProvider - an interface that defines methods for retrieving properties that can be used in determining personalised output. This includes a method for retrieving one or more properties, as well as retrieving metadata about those properties. Notable implementors include DefaultContextProvider and Tracker.
  • DefaultContextProvider - a class that can pro

The module is built to a set of principles:

  • Core components have interfaces, so that different components can be replaced if required.

  • Default implementations of these interfaces are provided and configured so there is reasonable behaviour out of the box.

  • Wherever possible, data and state is provisioned on-demand to minimise overhead.

  • The set of state that is known about the user is derived from each request.

  • Each request can carry one or more pieces of state that are used by a tracking identity finder (TrackingIdentityFinder implementor) in order to understand the identity (TrackingIdentity) of the user.

  • A tracker (Tracker) manages state recorded against an identity using one or more tracking stores (TrackingStore implementers).

  • When a personalised spot needs to be derived, a selection provider (SelectionProvider implementer) is invoked to determine the output, which is typically an identifier for an output variation.

  • The selection provider may have arbitrary rules or business logic to make it's output decision.

  • The selection provider is given a context provider which it uses to query what is known about the user.

  • The context provider in turn derives the data from one or more handlers.

  • Handlers exists that lets the context provider retrieve data from: the tracker; the raw request; the Member. Custom handlers can also be provided.

  • If the output of the selection provider identifies an output variation, then the variation is rendered, and returned to the initiating context (e.g. Page where personalised item will appear).

Custom Context Handlers

A custom handler is a class that implements ContextProvider. It's purpose is to introduce new values into the property namespace programmatically. For example, you may have a function that maps geolocation info in the request to a regional office of a company.

The interface has two methods:

  • getProperties($properties) gets the values of properties that are handled by this handler. The handler only returns values for the properties it understands.
  • getMetadata($namespaces) returns metadata for the properties that the handler understands.

For example, lets say our project requires personalisation on regional office. We want to introduce a property called request.regional-office that we can use when we're generating variations. The value will end up being a string.

class OfficeContextHandler implements ContextProvider {

	static $office_property = "request.regional-office";

	function getProperties($properties) {
		$result = array();
		if (isset($properties[self::$office_property])) {
			$v = $this->getRegionalOfficeFromRequest();

			if ($v) {
				$v = new ContextProperty(array(
					"name" => $name,
					"value" => $v,
					"confidence" => 100  // we're completely sure of the request.
				$v = array($v);			// always an array, even for single values
				$result[$name] = $v;

		return $result;

	// Return the office name, or null if we can't figure it out. We use to get lat/lng from IP,
	// and then find the regional office closest to this location. This assumes you have a RegionalOffice
	// class with Lat and Lng properties.
	function getRegionalOfficeFromRequest() {
		$req = new RestfulService("");
		$req->setQueryString(array('key' => self::get_ip_info_db_key(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'format' => 'json'));

		$response = $req->request();
		$data = json_decode($response->getBody());

		$lng = $data->longitude;
		$lat = $data->latitude;

		$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \"RegionalOffice\".\"ID\", (3959*acos(cos(radians($lat))*cos(radians(\"Lat\"))*cos(radians(\"Lng\")-radians($lng))+sin(radians($lat))*sin(radians(\"Lat\")))) AS distance FROM \"RegionalOffice\" ORDER BY \"distance\" ASC";
		$sqlResult = DB::query($sql);
		$results = $sqlResult->column("ID");

		if(is_array($results)) {
			$obj = DataObject::get_by_id("RegionalOffice", (int)$results[0]);

			$method = self::get_output_method();
			$content = $obj->$method();
			return $content;
		return null; // didn't find one

	function getMetadata($namespaces = null) {
		return array(
			self::$office_property => "Text"

Then, in mysite/_config.php:

$this->register_handler(new OfficeContextHandler());

Now, whenever personalisation is invoked, and a rule references the property request.regional-office, getRegionalOfficeFromRequest() will be called and will calculate the value as required. Note that the calculation is performed on demand only.



Personalisation module for SilverStripe


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