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Kshitij Singh edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 12 revisions
  1. To Get Started, Fork the repository to your github account:

  2. Clone the forked repo from your account using :
    git clone<your-username>/My-Landing-Page/

  3. After cloning go to the root folder i.e My-Landing-Page and run :
    npm install or yarn install

  4. After packages installed successfully , run :
    npm start
    It will launch the application in your default browser at url : http://localhost:3000

  5. Open the configuration.json file and edit the keys based on the instructions provided in the table below.

Configurations :

Key Type Values Allowed Functions
backgroundType String plain gradient
plainBackgroundMode String daylight nightlight
devIntro String Anything in String Format Shows the Intro for the page
devDesc String Anything in String Format Show the description for the page
gradientColors Color Codes 4 comma seperated hex Color Codes Note : This property will come into effect only for gradient backgroundType Sets gradient background based on 4 hex color input we provide to the component
backgroundImageUrl URL Any Image Url Note : This property will come into effect only for image backgroundType Sets any image based on URL provided as full page cover background image
iconsToGenerate Fontawesome Icons Array of Fontawesome icon names Displays the fontawesome icons for social profiles
urlsToLink URLs Array of URLs Provides hyperlinks to the fontawesome icons to your social profiles
  1. Once done with your changes, verify everything in your local browser.

  2. Now open package.json file and change the homepage key with your own username. Ex :

Change "homepage": "" To "homepage": "https://<your_username>",

  1. Run npm run deploy and congrats your landing page is up and running.
    To see it live , visit : https://<your_username>
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