##Motion JPEG fuzzer and server written in Go
##Serving - Under Construction
This server streams jpeg frames from a folder of the users' choosing at a regular interval. It currently does not have support for continuous data streaming, as it does not monitor the folder (it enumerates all .jpeg files at time of initial connection)
##Fuzzing - Under Construction
Fuzzing mode can be enabled at process launch. The user can also override the fuzzer's range on certain parameters.
There are currently three parameters being fuzzed:
- Generated per session
- Boundary string
- Generated per frame
- Response time (seconds before next frame)
- Length provided in header
- Documentation
- Verbose terminal messages
- Help command to help
- Fuzzing
- Recording sessions (through stdout or file)
- Playback from file (not just the files but also the framerate
- Serving
- Provide single-file serving mode to push updates.
- Provide commandline ability to choose port