This is an Security Token Service example that speaks WS-Federation with Saml11 tokens fully implemented in node.js.
Authentication is done against an Active Directory or any server that speaks LDAP.
This projects uses node-wsfed and passport-windowsauth.
If you always get invalid username or password, try to search a profile by password with the following command:
node -e "require('./lib/initConf'); var Users = require('./lib/users'); var users = new Users(); users._queue.push(function(){users.getByUserName('the-username-you-are-trying', function (err, user) { console.log(user); } ); });"
By default the connector search using this query LDAP (sAMAccountName={0})
, you can override this in the config.json file:
"LDAP_USER_BY_NAME": "(cn={0})",
MIT - Auth10 2013