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.NET libraries for operating Tapo/Kasa, the TP-Link smart home devices.


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The .NET implementations for controlling Kasa and Tapo, the TP-Link smart home devices.

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo / Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa

  • Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo: NuGet License: GPL v3
  • Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa: NuGet License: MIT|

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo and Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa are class libraries that provide .NET APIs for operating Tapo and Kasa smart home devices.

These class libraries provide device classes such as L530 (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo namespace) and KL130 (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa namespace), which have the same name as the device's product model name.

These device classes perform operations by communicating directly with Tapo/Kasa devices in the same network. Remote operation via the Internet is not supported.

using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;

// Creates device object for L530 multicolor light bulb
using var bulb = new L530(
  "",      // IP address currently assigned to the device
  "[email protected]", // E-mail address for your Tapo account
  "password"        // Password for your Tapo account

// Sets the color temperature and brightness.
// In the off state, the bulb will automatically turn on.
await bulb.SetColorTemperatureAsync(colorTemperature: 5500, brightness: 80);

Supported device and functions

Supported devices

The following devices have been confirmed to work on the actual devices:

Model Device type Hardware version Hardware specs Firmware version Usage example
Tapo L530 Bulb 1.0.0
1.3.0 Build 20230831 Rel. 75926
1.1.0 Build 230823 Rel.162531
Tapo L900 Light strip 1.0 - 1.1.0 Build 230905 Rel.184939 example
Tapo P105 Plug 1.0.0 JP 1.4.1 Build 20231103 Rel. 36519 example
Tapo P110M Plug 1.0 JP 1.1.0 Build 231009 Rel.155719 example
Kasa KL130 Bulb 1.0 JP 1.8.11 Build 191113 Rel.105336 example
Kasa HS105 Plug 1.0 JP 1.5.8 Build 191125 Rel.135255 example

Supported functions

The library supports performing the following device functions:

  • Turn on/off
  • Set color (color temperature)
  • Set color (hue and saturation)
  • Set brightness
  • Get on/off stete
  • Get current light color/brightness
  • Get monitoring data: power consumption and cumulative energy usage [Tapo P110M]
  • Get device informations (Tapo example, Kasa example)
  • Get device usage: operating time and cumulative energy usage (only for Tapo devices, example)

Confirmed to work

The library has been tested and confirmed to work with actual devices, on the following environments:

  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch); Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

More library features

The device class such as L530 does not simply provide methods to wrap the sending of requests to the device. Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo and Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa also provides the following features.

The following example illustrates the basic API usage as well as what happens in the background of a method.

using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;

// Creates client for L530 multicolor light bulb
using var bulb = new L530("", "[email protected]", "password");

// Turn on the bulb, and set the color temperature and brightness.
await bulb.SetColorTemperatureAsync(colorTemperature: 5500, brightness: 80);
//    Here, connections and sessions are established automatically.
//    Also attempts retry automatically when recoverable errors
//    such as device busy or timeout occur.

// Suppose a few minutes, hours or days passes here.
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(...));

// Then, sets the color and brightness of the bulb.
await bulb.SetColorTemperatureAsync(colorTemperature: 4000, brightness: 40);
//    At this time, if the connection or session has expired,
//    it will attempt to reconnect/re-authenticate automatically.
//    Also, if the connection is established using a MAC address and
//    the resolved endpoint is unreachable, it will attempt to
//    resolve it again. (requires Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.MacAddressEndPoint)

Automated session management

Connection and authentication to the device is performed automatically when a request is sent to the device. Reconnection and reauthentication is also performed automatically when an exception occurs or when a session expires.

Built-in and customizable retry and error handling

Built-in error handling is provided by default for typical errors such as device busy, session expired, or request timeout. Customized error handling is also available, allowing you to define handling for each type of exception and retries. See Tapo example and Kasa example.

Supports default protocol (securePassthrough) and new protocol (KLAP)

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo version 2.0.0 or later supports the new protocol KLAP for Tapo devices. By default, the appropriate protocol is automatically selected. You can also explicitly specify a protocol. See this example.

Addressing devices using MAC addresses

Supports specifying device endpoint by MAC address. This is useful in networks with variable IP addresses, such as networks using DHCP. This feature requires an extension library Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.MacAddressEndPoint.

Other features

  • Supports dependency injection (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection)
  • Providing Tapo credentials via environment variables - example
  • Customizable Tapo credential provider - example
  • Configuring timeout and cancellation - Tapo example, Kasa example

Recommended usage on Tapo devices

Tapo devices have introduced secure authentication methods in new firmware released after summer 2023. If new firmware is installed, hashed credentials can be used for authentication. This means that it is no longer necessary to embed the username and password in plain text.

Additionally, Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo can retrieve hashed credentials from environment variables.

The following code shows an example of retrieving hashed credential from the TAPO_KLAP_LOCALAUTHHASH environment variable and using it when authenticating to a Tapo device.

using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;

using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;
using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials;
using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol;

var services = new ServiceCollection();

// Specifies that the device should be operated using the newer protocol.

// Specifies the environment variable in which the hashed credential
// used for authentication is set.
  envVarBase64KlapLocalAuthHash: "TAPO_KLAP_LOCALAUTHHASH"

using var plug = new P105("", services.BuildServiceProvider());

await plug.TurnOnAsync();

The environment variable TAPO_KLAP_LOCALAUTHHASH has to be a BASE64 string calculated by the formula BASE64(SHA256(SHA1(username) + SHA1(password))). See this example for detail.


Although Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo still supports devices with older protocol/firmware, it is recommended that you update your Tapo device's firmware to the latest version before using the library.

Feature Request

If you have a request that you would like library to add API for the device functions to devices currently supported, please send it as a Feature Request or Pull Request.

If you would like to request support for a device that is not currently supported, please send a Pull Request. Alternatively, please consider supporting this project through GitHub Sponsors.

When adding support for a new device, I would like to purchase and perform testing with the actual device as much as possible, if it is available in Japan.


NuGet License: MIT

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.MacAddressEndPoint is an extension library that enables to use MAC addresses to specify the device endpoints, instead of IP addresses or host names. This library also enables to support following changes of the device endpoint in network where IP addresses are dynamic, such as networks using DHCP.

See this example for using MAC addresses to identify the Tapo and Kasa devices.

This library relies on Smdn.Net.AddressResolution Smdn.Net.AddressResolution for MAC address resolution. For further details such as functions and supported platforms, refer smdn/Smdn.Net.AddressResolution repository.


NuGet License: MIT

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Primitives provides common types for Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.*. This library includes abstraction interfaces, extension methods and custom JsonConverters. This library does not provide any specific implementations to operate Kasa and Tapo devices.

More description to be added.

For contributers

Contributions are appreciated!

If there's a feature you would like to add or a bug you would like to fix, please read Contribution guidelines and create an Issue or Pull Request.

IssueやPull Requestを送る際は、Contribution guidelinesをご覧頂ください。 可能なら英語が望ましいですが、日本語で構いません。



This project is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later.

This project includes source code licensed under MIT or GPLv3 as described below and produces artifacts licensed in accordance therewith.

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo (GPLv3)

The some source files in the directory under the src/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/ include codes that has been ported from codes which licensed under the GPLv3, and are licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or later.

Therefore, artifacts from this directory, including NuGet package Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo, are released under the GNU GPL version 3 or later.

For the license of individual files, refer to SPDX-License-Identifier at the top of each file header.

Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Kasa, Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.MacAddressEndPoint, Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Primitives (MIT)

The source files and generated artifacts from the directory under the src/, excluding Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo, are licensed and released under the terms of the MIT License.


(An English translation for the reference follows the text written in Japanese.)


This is an unofficial project that has no affiliation with TP-Link.


The software provided by this project is intended only for operations within the scope of the product specifications, such as acquiring and changing device settings, and while it does not cause altering the product itself, product's firmware or operating specifications. Nevertheless, please note that the possibility of violating terms of use of the product cannot be dismissed when using the software provided by this project.


Tapo, Kasa and all respective product names are copyright of TP-Link.


This project incorporates implementations partially ported from the following projects. See also for detail.