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openCX-Working Title Development Report

Welcome to the documentation pages of the SpeakApp of openCX!

You can find here detailed about the (sub)product, hereby mentioned as module, from a high-level vision to low-level implementation decisions, a kind of Software Development Report (see template), organized by discipline (as of RUP):

So far, contributions are exclusively made by the initial team, but we hope to open them to the community, in all areas and topics: requirements, technologies, development, experimentation, testing, etc.

Please contact us!

Thank you!

  • Carlos Miguel Guerra Soeiro
  • Daniel Gazola Bradaschia
  • José Rafael Fidalgo Fonseca Matias
  • Paulo André Areias Gomes Leal Pinto

Product Vision

An app that improves the interaction between the speaker and the audience or vice-versa, allowing for the speaker to easily change slides, start games and videos or send links to his/hers guests from a smartphone. The users are also able to comments about the conferences, so that the speaker has a good amount of feedback. The speaker is capable of checking and setting timers to help his/hers presentation.

Elevator Pitch

Have you ever needed a quick and simple app for your event, but didn't know where to start? We at the Working Title can help you with a quick, simple and easy to use app, with the tools that you desire. Currently, we provide ways for the speaker to control the time of the conference and the audience can get all the information needed to attend their favorite confernce. As we work with firebase, a reliable database provided by Google, there is no need for extra technology or investment, so all you need is a smartphone or tablet!


  • A smartphone or tablet with internet access is required, along with a google account.
  • App is only available on android.

Use case diagram

Use Cases

  • Send Message. Every user of the app should be able to send message, as it is the main way of sending feedback and communicating. As a precondition, it should be noted that you will only be able to send messages if you have taken part in the conference

  • Receive Message. Every user of the app should be able to receive message, be it for communication or feedback. As a precondition, you should be able to send messages.

  • Rate The Session. Every user of the app should be able to rate the session, as it is a simple way to give feedback. You will only be able to rate a conference if you have taken part in it.

  • Generate Invitation Code. The speaker is able to generate invitation codes to send to his/hers audience, to play a game, for example. Only the speaker should be able to do it, and and a quiz need to be created before the invitation.

  • Create Presentation. The speaker is able to create slide presentations. Only he speaker should be able to do it, and a option to load a previously created presentations.

  • Create Quiz. The speaker is able to create quizes, as a game to interact with the audience. Only the speaker can do it, as long as a presentation exists.

  • Check Attendence Statistics. Both the speaker and moderators are able o check the session statistics, that can be used to improve future conferences and presentations. This will only be possible for session that exists.

  • Filtering Messages. The moderator is able to filter messages that arrive during a session, as a way to avoid spam and unecessary comments. This should only be possible to session that are ongoing.

  • Ban/Kick Participants. The moderator is able to Ban/Kick Participants, if it is considered necessary. This should only be possible to session that are ongoing.

User stories

This section contains the requirements of the product described as user stories, organized in a global user story map with user roles or themes.

  • As a Speaker, I want to able to set and see the time remaining of my presentation, so that I can stay within my time limits.

  • As a Speaker, I want to be able to set a timer for my QnA period, so that I can know how much time I can spend on the questions

  • As a Speaker, I want to have an easy access to information, so that I can easily navigate through the information about the conference.

  • As a User, I want to be able to easily access all the conferences and their themes, so that I can organize my schedule.

  • As a Speaker, I want to have special tools (such as to be able to create quizes) that traditional editors don't have, so that I can provide a better time for the audience.

  • As Users, we want to have a feedback system:

    • As a speaker, i want to receive feedback so that i can improve my presentation.
    • As the Audience, I want to be able o send feedback to the speaker, so that they can improve.
  • As a User, I want to send question during QnA, so that I can interact with the speaker.

  • As the Audience, I want to interact in the activities provided by the speakers, such as quizes.

  • As a Speaker, I want to have special tools (such as to be able to create quizes) that traditional editors don't have, so that I can provide a better time for the audience.

  • As a User, I want to be able to easily access all the conferences and their themes, so that I can organize my schedule.

  • As a user, I want to have a calendar, so that I can know when/where to go.

Domain model

Domain Model

Above we can see a representation of all the relationships involved. It should be noted that some attributtes have not been implemented, namely numOfAtendees, author, time.

Architecture and Design

Logical Architecture


The UML diagram above represents the logical architecture of our code which consists essentially of an App and a Server that will handle a Database where all the infomation is stored. The app will also be responsible to display all the information necessary to the user. The database of choice was Firebase, due to its connectivity with Flutter, our toolkit for developing the app.

Physical Architecture


As shown in the diagram above, the physical structure of our software is divided into two parts. Each node is a hardware requirement for our product, while inside it is detailed the software features to be used.


A simple UI, with listing of conferences and their respectives themes is implemented. New features, such as timer and login are being implemented.


A sign in option through google account is available.


As we started the project, we tackled the following user stories: "As a Speaker, I want to have an easy access to information, so that I can easily navigate through the information about the conference." and "As a User, I want to be able to easily access all the conferences and their themes, so that I can organize my schedule. " which allowed us to start using Flutter from the get go, developing a simple UI for listing conferences and such. When the app started to take form, a database became necessary, so we chose to utilize Firebase, as we can use google accounts that already exists, eliminating the need to create a sign up method.


As we adopted an agile method of implementation, we developed the tools considering a cost/necessity of our user stories. The UI was adapted as new tools were implemented, while keeping in mind that it needed to be intuitive. Code organization and quality were a main goal from the beginning, as we intend to deliver the best product possible.


As recommended in theoretical classes, we will be using Behavior-Driven Development to test the following features:

  • Timer
  • Add Conferences
  • Add Reviews

To help automate this process Gherkin has been choosen due to its already established connection with firebase. The following represents tests that are being developed:

Feature: Timer

  • The timer should decrement when the button is pressed.
  • Scenario: Timer decrements when the button is pressed
  • Given I expect the "timer" to be "0"
  • When I set the "timer" and presses the button
  • Then I expect the "counter" to be "0" after the time I set has passed

Feature: Conferences

  • The Conferences list should grow when a new conference is added.
  • Scenario: Conferences list grow when a new conference is added
  • Given I expect the "Conference List" to be "empty"
  • When I add a conference
  • Then I expect the "Conference List" to have a new conference

Feature: Review

  • The Review list should grow when a new review is added.
  • Scenario: Review list grow when a new review is added
  • Given I expect the "Review List" to be "empty"
  • When I add a review
  • Then I expect the "Review List" to have a new review

Project management

As a project management tool, we have adopted Trello as it is a simple tool that allows us to keep an overview of the development of the project, as well as plan future changes in which we can easily assign and register tasks. Outside that, Github is being used as the repository to keep the code and other resources.

[Trello/Working-Title] (


open-cx-working-title created by GitHub Classroom






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Contributors 4
