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This repository houses the code that powers the ibmcloud-cli sl command

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This repository houses the code that powers the ibmcloud-cli sl command. CLI Documentation

Installation (official)

The Classic Infrastructure commands are a plugin for the ibmcloud cli. First you need to Install the IBMCLOUD CLI. Then simply install the sl plugin with the following command:

ibmcloud plugin install sl

To update, simply run

ibmcloud plugin update sl

Installation (source build)

To install a version of the plugin built locally, you can do the following:

  1. Build the sl plugin binary
  2. go build
  3. Install the new softlayer binary
  4. ibmcloud plugin install ./softlayer (might need to put ./softlayer.exe for windows installs)

When building from source, the plugin gets its version information from plugin/metadata/sl.go. You may want to update that number to not get confused with official versions.

Development Project Setup

Clone the repo, then just run go mod vendor and go build and you should have a running binary for the sl plugin.


Before making a pull request, make sure everything looks good with these tools. Working directory: $GO_PATH/src/

What the build runs

go vet $(go list ./... | grep -v "fixtures" | grep -v "vendor")
go test $(go list ./... | grep -v "fixtures" | grep -v "vendor")

Individual Tests

This will test all the block commands, with verbose output

go test -v<command_group>
go test -v

This will test only the block commands that have "Access Password" in their test name, and stop after 1 failure

go test -v -ginkgo.failFast  -ginkgo.focus "Access Password"

Code Coverage

This will generate a code coverage report for all the file commands

$> go test -coverprofile=coverage.out
ok       1.225s

Coverage report

For basic information

go tool cover -func=coverage.out

Detailed HTML output

go tool cover -html=coverage.out

Specific Tests

go test -v -coverprofile=coverage.out -ginkgo.focus Issues3190

Fake Session And Handlers

To force API errors, or api results that you don't want to put in a fixture, you need to get the testhelper transport handler, something like this.

    var (
        fakeSLSession  *session.Session
        fakeHandler     *testhelpers.FakeTransportHandler
        // Other fake managers/CLI things go here
    BeforeEach(func() {
        fakeSLSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession(nil)
        fakeHandler = testhelpers.GetSessionHandler(fakeSLSession)
        // Other fake managers/CLI things go here
    AfterEach(func() {

fakeSLSession will get used anytime something requres a softlayer-go session. fakeHandler is responsible for "faking" the API requests. By default it does this by looking up the appropriate JSON file in testfixtures/<SERVICE>/<METHOD>.json. It is also possible to specify specific IDs by using this format: testfixtures/<SERVICE>/<METHOD>-<ID>.json which if you call SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject(id=1234) it will load testfixtures/SoftLayer_Hardware/GetObject-1234.json

Forcing an API Error

If you want to force an API error, do something like the following.

(From managers/hardware_tests.go)

// Add the API error to the handler
fakeHandler.AddApiError("SoftLayer_Hardware_Server", "toggleManagementInterface", 500, "IPMI ERROR")
// Make the API call
err := hardwareManager.ToggleIPMI(123456, false)
// Make sure the error happened
// Check the error message is as expected. The format will be similar to this
Expect(err.Error()).To(Equal("IPMI ERROR: IPMI ERROR (HTTP 500)"))

Checking for API calls

(from managers/hardware_test.go)

If you want to make sure an API call was properly formatted and made, do the following

// Make the API call
hws, err := hardwareManager.ListHardware(...args)
// Normal Checks...
// Get the apiCalls from the fakeHandler
apiCalls := fakeHandler.ApiCallLogs
// Make sure there was the right number of calls
// Check the service is correct 
// get the slOptions
slOptions := apiCalls[0].Options
// Check to make sure all object filters get set properly.

Check testhelpers/fake_softlayer_session.go for all the fields that get recorded with an API call.

Test Fakes

CLI calls to manager functions need an entry in plugin\testhelpers\fake_manager.go Managers have a fake/test interface that is autogenerate with a program called couterfieter

go generate ./...

each manager and defined interface should have this line in it to be automatically generated. After the imports, before any interfaces

//counterfeiter:generate -o ../testhelpers/ . <Whatever>Manager

If you want to use the real manager but fixture API data, just initialize the manager like this in the CLI test

This example is from plugin\commands\account\invoice-detail_test.go

var _ = Describe("<COMMAND> Tests", func() {
    var (
        fakeUI          *terminal.FakeUI
        cliCommand      *account.InvoiceDetailCommand
        fakeSession     *session.Session
        slCommand       *metadata.SoftlayerCommand
        fakeHandler     *testhelpers.FakeTransportHandler
    BeforeEach(func() {
        // Fake UI to capture output of comamnds
        fakeUI = terminal.NewFakeUI()
        // Fake session to handle loading data from testfixtures
        fakeSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession(nil)
        // Fake handler to control error generation
        fakeHandler = testhelpers.GetSessionHandler(fakeSession)
        // Real parent command, with fake UI and Fake Session being passed in
        slCommand = metadata.NewSoftlayerCommand(fakeUI, fakeSession)
        // Real actual command
        cliCommand = account.NewInvoiceDetailCommand(slCommand)
        // Need to set output flag since its set manually in the parent command normally.
        cliCommand.Command.PersistentFlags().Var(cliCommand.OutputFlag, "output", "--output=JSON for json output.")
    AfterEach(func() {
        // Clear API call logs and any errors that might have been set after every test

plugin\commands\user\details_test.go is also a good example test file for CLI commands.

[no tests to run]

New commands needs a command_test.go file in the CLI directory.

If you added slplugin/commands/new/ then there needs to be a slplugin/commands/new/new_test.go file. Copy the content from one of the other command test files and just change the name and package.

Fake Transports

In unit tests, you will want to establish a FakeSoftLayerSession object so that API requests faked from test fixtures.

Something like this.

BeforeEach(func() {
    fakeSLSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession(nil)
    networkManager = managers.NewNetworkManager(fakeSLSession)

By default, every API call made to the SoftLayer API will load in the appropraite JSON file from testfixtures/SoftLayer_Service/method.json

To force errors:

// In the Top level BeforeEach
fakeSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession(nil)
fakeHandler = testhelpers.GetSessionHandler(fakeSession)

// Then in a BeforeEach for the specific test...
BeforeEach(func() {
    fakeHandler.AddApiError("SoftLayer_User_Customer", "getObject", 500, "Internal Server Error")

To force a non-default JSON file to be loaded

This will load testfixtures/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan/getObject-noBilling.json when SoftLayer_Network_Vlan::getObject is called next.

fakeSLSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession([]string{"getObject-noBilling.json"})
networkManager = managers.NewNetworkManager(fakeSLSession)

Fixutres can also be loaded by ID automatically with the format testfixtures/SoftLayer_Service/getObject-1234.json where 1234 is the ID you passed into the API call.


Basic Architecture Code Flow

Terminology: ibmcloud sl <COMMAND> <ACTION> COMMAND: is a collection of actions here. ACTION: What part of the command you are running.

Adding new commands to slplugin

  1. Add an entry to plugin/plugin.go in the getTopCobraCommand() function that follows this pattern cobraCmd.AddCommand(newcommand.SetupCobraCommands(slCommand))

  2. Create a new folder plugin/commands/newcommand/

  3. Create a new file plugin/commands/newcommand/newcommand.go Which will look like this:

package newcommand

import (
    . ""

func SetupCobraCommands(sl *metadata.SoftlayerCommand) *cobra.Command {
    cobraCmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "newcommand",
        Short: T("A description of the new command"),
        RunE:  nil,
    return cobraCmd

func AccountNamespace() plugin.Namespace {
    return plugin.Namespace{
        ParentName:  "sl",
        Name:        "newcommand",
        Description: T("A description of the new command"),

for tests, copy from one of the other command main test functions. Make sure to add any actions to the actions list.

Adding new actions to slplugin

  1. Create a new files plugin/commands/the_command/action.go
  2. It should have its own type
type ActionNameCommand struct {
    Command *cobra.Command
    Manager managers.SomeManager
    // Flags go here as well
  1. It should have a function to create an instance of the type called NewActionNameCommand
func NewActionNameCommand(sl *metadata.SoftlayerCommand) *ActionNameCommand {
    thisCmd := &ActionNameCommand{
        SoftlayerCommand: sl,
        Manager: managers.NewSomeManager(sl.Session),
    cobraCmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use: "command-name",
        Short: T("A description of the command"),
        Long: T(`This is an optional field, you can remove it if the command is simple.
Otherwise create a nice long description of how to use this command. Its good to add some examples.

    ${COMMAND_NAME} sl newcommand command-name --someFlag test --soomethingElse
    This sets a flag and does something else.`)
        Args: metadata.NoArgs,
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            return thisCmd.Run(args)
    thisCmd.Command = cobraCmd
    return thisCmd
  1. It should have a Run() function
func (cmd *BandwidthPoolsCommand) Run(args []string) error {
    // do some stuff
    return nil
  1. Add the function to command.go in the SetupCobraCommand function

i18n stuff

anything with T("some string here") uses the internationalization system. Specifically we use the goi18n/v2 library for most work here.

Currently we use a custom version of goi18n which can parse T() functions like we use (an artiface of migrating from v1 to v2). The custom binary (bin/goi18n2*) has some code that forces the .json file it generates to be like the following, because otherwise the translations don't get loaded properly.

    "words you want translated" : {
        "other": "words you want translated"

The changes are this for future reference:

 ~/go/src/ (Tfunctions)
$> git diff goi18n/marshal.go
diff --git a/goi18n/marshal.go b/goi18n/marshal.go
index a6cc762..a256f2b 100644
--- a/goi18n/marshal.go
+++ b/goi18n/marshal.go
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ func marshalValue(messageTemplates map[string]*i18n.MessageTemplate, sourceLangu
        for id, template := range messageTemplates {
                if other := template.PluralTemplates[plural.Other]; sourceLanguage && len(template.PluralTemplates) == 1 &&
                        other != nil && template.Description == "" && template.LeftDelim == "" && template.RightDelim == "" {
-                       v[id] = other.Src
+                       m := map[string]string{}
+                       m["other"] = other.Src
+                       v[id] = m
                } else {
                        m := map[string]string{}
                        if template.Description != "" {

To generate the en-US.json file, just run

python bin/ i18n

The plugin/i18n/v2Resources/active.*.json files are all compiled into the binary automatically.

Basic Patterns and Tips

Where possible, you should try to minimize the number of unique strings we need to translate. To do this, make use of substitutions. For example:


T("This is some output for a file command")
T("This is some output for a block command")


subs := map[string]interface{}{"CMDTYPE": "block"}
T("This is some output for a {{.CMDTYPE}} command", subs)

NOTICE goi18n/v2 has some newer features that can make this a bit easier to deal with, but I'm not sure they are currently supported, so procede with caution in you make use of them.

Useful Scripts

./bin/ i18n

Should in general take care of all these steps for you. The binaries for win/mac/linux should be in the repo.

$> python bin/ i18n
Running: C:\Users\allmi\go\src\\softlayer\softlayer-cli\bin\i18n4go.exe -c=checkup -q=i18n -v -d=C:\Users\allmi\go\src\\softlayer\softlayer-cli\plugin
        No Changes Needed!
Building I18N: ./bin/go-bindata.exe -pkg=resources -o=plugin/resources/i18n_resources.go plugin/i18n/resources


Vendor files are now managed by go mod vendor, I had to set these environment variables to download vendor objects. To update the dependancy, update go.mod file.

export GOPROXY=direct
# Make sure you gitconfig has these lines
cat ~/.gitconfig
[url "ssh://[email protected]/"]
        insteadOf =
go mod vendor

If you get this error, check your GOPROXY and GOPRIVATE settings.

$ go mod vendor
go:[email protected]: verifying go.mod:[email protected]/go.mod: reading!bluemix/[email protected]: 410 Gone
        server response:
        not found:[email protected]: invalid version: git fetch -f origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* in /tmp/gopath/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/7c3b4597f53c7708d8d63068430570d5325f6ceef4fb0e2076cc6c593df4c01a: exit status 128:
                fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled


CLI Documentation

To make changes to the cli documentation, do so here:

Docs for the sl plugin specifically live in this repo:

in docs/ there is a utility that will generate the appropriate pages for the sl plugin.

(assuming ~/Code/ibm-cloud-docs-cl is where the cloud-docs have been checked out to.)

./bin/ docs ~/Code/ibm-cloud-docs-cli
 Building documentation builder:  go build -o docBuilder docs/main.go
 Building documentation: ./docBuilder -o C:/Users/allmi/Code/ibm-cloud-docs-cli/_include-segments -v

Code Patterns

Here are a list of common problems and what the code should look like if you need to solve them.

Checking that IDENTIFIER is an id on the CLI

id, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
if err != nil {
    return slErrors.NewInvalidSoftlayerIdInputError(T("IDENTIFIER"))

Setting fake manager returns for multiple method calls

It("return error", func() {
    fakeUserManager.GetUserReturnsOnCall(0, testUser, nil)
    fakeUserManager.GetUserReturnsOnCall(1, datatypes.User_Customer{}, errors.New("BAD HARDWARE"))
    err := testhelpers.RunCobraCommand(cliCommand.Command, "5555", "--hardware")
    Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("Failed to show hardware."))

Plugin Support / Release Process

After v1.4.1 sl will be a normal plugin, so where are the instructions to build the plugin.

Use the ./bin/ script to do a release:

$> python bin/

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  build    Builds the SL binaries
  deploy   Deploys the SL binaries
  i18n     Checks and builds the i18n files
  jenkins  Trigger a Jenkins build with existing files.
  release  Builds, then deploys the release
  test     Runs the tests
  1. ./bin/ test : Runs all the tests, required to pass
  2. ./bin/ i18n : Fixing missing i18n problems, builds the i18n gobindata
  3. ./bin/ build : Generates binaries for all architectures in ./out
  4. ./bin/ deploy : Uploads binaries to our object storage account softlayer-cli-binaries:
  5. ./bin/ release : Spins up the Jenkins job to publish a release
  6. Test then manually promote from staging to production to actually release the plugin. Pomotion Jenkins

ENV Variables that need to be set:

  1. JENKINS_TOKEN : Auth token to run Jenkins. Username is hardcoded for me at the moment.
  2. IBMCLOUD_APIKEY : API key for using ibmcloud. This is how we upload to COS. The COS plugin needs to be installed as well. ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage


/docs/docs is a command that will generate markdown documentation. This documentation needs to be copied and updated in the repo (draft branch).

To build the full docs locally, see

➜  md-source pwd
➜  md-source ls -lh
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 chris  staff    96B Nov 30 12:58 build
drwxr-xr-x  3 chris  staff    96B Nov 30 13:01 input
drwxr-xr-x  4 chris  staff   128B Nov 30 13:01 output

➜ marked-it-cli input --output=output --footer-file=build/markdown/footer.txt --extension-file=build/markdown/headerFooterExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/generateSectionsExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/accessibilityExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/jsonTocExt.js --keyref-file=build/markdown/cloudoekeyrefs.yml --overwrite --verbose --toc-json --extension-file=build/markdown/videoExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/terraformExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/includesExt.js --extension-file=build/markdown/glossaryExt.js --@glossary:definitions-file=/Users/chris/Code/md-source/build/markdown/glossary.json


Automate build with

Detect Secrets

Make sure to add the pre-commit hook by running pre-commit install

To run a scan do:

detect-secrets scan --update .secrets.baseline

If we need to update the excluded files (these are saved in the .secrets.baseline file) do this:

detect-secrets -v scan --update .secrets.baseline  --exclude-files "plugin/i18n/v1Resources/|plugin/i18n/v2Resources/|(.*test.*)|(vendor)|(go.sum)|bin/"


This repository houses the code that powers the ibmcloud-cli sl command


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