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Tools for testing the performance of service mesh implementations


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Smerf provides tools for performance benchmark testing of service mesh implementations.


Ensure the following tools are installed:

  • kubectl: The Kubernetes command-line tool.
  • eksctl: Required for managing EKS clusters if the CREATE_CLUSTER environment variable is set (defaults to false).
  • helm: A package manager for Kubernetes.

Quick Start

Getting started with smerf is as simple as 1 or 2 steps.

  1. If you don't have a Kubernetes cluster, create one.

  2. Use the ./scripts/ to run the e2e performance benchmark tests, e.g. install the service mesh, run the test app and load generators, generate reports, etc.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaces to run the test app, defaults to 1 namespace with a maximum of 25.
  • REPLICAS: The number of replicas to run for the test app, the default is 1.
  • RPS: The number of requests per second for the load generator to generate, the default is 150.
  • DURATION: The amount of time to generate traffic, the default is 10m.
  • RUN_BASELINE: Run the baseline benchmark test, e.g. no service mesh, the default is true.
  • PROFILE: The installation profile to use for the service mesh. Supported options are 'ambient' and 'sidecar' for an Istio service mesh.
  • INSTALL_MESH: Whether to install the service mesh. If true, the service mesh implementation will be installed based on the configured $PROFILE. Currently, Istio is the only supported service mesh.
  • CREATE_CLUSTER: Creates a Kubernetes cluster used for testing, the default is false. Currently, EKS is the only supported cluster type which requires AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN AWS environment variables to be set.


  • NUM_NS=2 REPLICAS=3 RPS=250 DURATION=5m ./scripts/ runs the performance benchmark tests with the test app running in 2 namespaces, each with 3 replicas and the load generator sending 250 requests per second for 5 minutes.
  • PROFILE=sidecar RUN_BASELINE=false REPLICAS=2 ./scripts/ runs the performance benchmark tests with the test app running in 1 namespace (default) with 2 replicas, skips running the performance baseline test, and uses Istio sidecars instead of ambient (default).

Create a Cluster

The scripts/ script automates the creation of a Kubernetes cluster, defaulting to Amazon EKS if CLUSTER_TYPE is unspecified. It also handles node labeling/tainting, and optional add-on installations, e.g. Kubernetes metrics-server.

Environment Variables:

  • CLUSTER_TYPE: The type of Kubernetes cluster to create. Defaults to eks and is the only supported option.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Required for EKS.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Required for EKS.
  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: Required for EKS.
  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the cluster, default is ${USER}-$RANDOM.
  • REGION: AWS region, default is us-west-2.
  • NUM_NODES: Number of nodes, default is 3.
  • NUM_LOAD_NODES: Number of nodes dedicated to running load generators, default is 1.
  • INSTANCE: Instance type, defaults to AWS EC2 m5.2xlarge.
  • CILIUM_NODE_TAINT: Taints nodes to ensure application pods are not scheduled until Cilium is deployed, defaults to false.
  • ADDONS: A comma-separated list of add-ons, defaults to metrics-server.
  • DELETE_CLUSTER_ON_FAIL: Deletes the cluster on failure, default is true.

Run the Test App or Load Generators

The scripts/ <workload_type> automates the creation of the 3-tier app used as a target or the vegeta load generators used to generate traffic for performance benchmark testing.


  • workload_type: The type of workload to run, supported options are app for the 3-tier test app and loadgen for the vegeta load generators.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced app instances, defaults to 1 with a maximum of 25.
  • REPLICAS: The number of replicas to use for the specified <workload_type>, default is 1.
  • ROLLOUT_TIMEOUT: The amount of time to wait for each app deployment to rollout, defaults to 5m for 5-minutes.
  • RPS: The number of requests per second to generate when workload_type=loadgen, default to 150.
  • DURATION: The amount of time to generate traffic when workload_type=loadgen, default to 10m.

Scale the Test App or Load Generators

The scripts/ <workload_type> <replicas> script scales the 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators up or down.


  • workload_type: The type of workload to scale, supported options are app for the 3-tier test app and loadgen for the vegeta load generators.
  • replicas: The number of replicas to scale the workload_type to.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced app instances, defaults to 1.
  • ROLLOUT_TIMEOUT: The amount of time to wait for each app deployment to report status, defaults to 5m for 5-minutes.

Install Istio

The scripts/ <profile> script automates the installation of Istio.


  • profile: The installation profile to use. The only supported option is ambient.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced vegeta instances, defaults to 1 with a maximum of 25.

  • ROLLOUT_TIMEOUT: The amount of time to wait for each vegeta deployment to rollout, defaults to 5m for 5-minutes.

  • ISTIO_VERSION: The version of Istio to install. Supported versions as 1.22.1 and above, and 1.23 and above.

  • ISTIO_REPO: The repo to use for pulling Istio container images. The default is "".

  • ROLLOUT_TIMEOUT: A time unit, e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h, to wait for Istio deployment roll-outs to complete. Defaults to "5m".

Update the Test App

The scripts/ <mesh_type> <update_type> script updates the 3-tier test app for the specified <mesh_type>.


  • scripts/ ambient to run the 3-tier test app on ambient mesh. Note: Requires a running Istio control plane configured for ambient, e.g . scripts/ ambient.
  • scripts/ ambient l4 to apply L4 authn policies to the 3-tier test app running on ambient mesh.


  • mesh_type: The type of mesh to associate with the workload.
  • update_type: The type of update to apply for the specified <mesh_type>. Supported options for mesh_type=ambient are l4 to apply Istio L4 authorization policies, l7 to apply Istio L7 authorization policies, and waypoint to apply waypoint proxies to the 3-tier test app instances.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators instances, defaults to 1 with a maximum of 25.
  • REPLICAS: The number of replicas to use for the test app, default is 1.

Update the Load Generators

The scripts/ script updates the load generators with the specified options.


  • RPS=250 DURATION=1m ./scripts/ updates load generators to use 250 requests per second (RPS) for 1-minute.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators instances, defaults to 1.
  • RPS: The number of requests per second for the load generator to send.
  • DURATION: The amount of time to generate traffic.

Test Reporting

The scripts/ <name> script automates the reporting of test results.


<name>: the name applied to the test report filenames stored in the out directory.

Environment Variables:

  • NUM_NS: The number of namespaced 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators instances, defaults to 1 with a maximum of 25.
  • MAX_TOTAL_WAIT: The maximum wait time in seconds to wait for generating reports, default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes.)

Manual Operations

The following are optional manual operations for inspecting the test environment.

EKS Node Pool Resizing

If you want to scale up/down the ng-1 node group:

eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --nodes ${NUM_NODES} --name ng-1

Check the status of the scaling:

eksctl get nodegroup --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region ${REGION} --name ng-1

To see how many nodes are ready:

kubectl get nodes | grep -c 'Ready'

Manual Verification

Check the status of test app pods:

kubectl get po -A | grep tier

Check the status of vegeta pods:

kubectl get po -A | grep vegeta

Manual Testing

Check whether vegeta has posted a load test (default 10-minutes):

kubectl logs -l app=vegeta1 -n ns-1

Exec into a vegeta load generator to run your own test:

kubectl exec -it deploy/vegeta1 --namespace ns-1 -c vegeta -- /bin/sh

Example test run:

echo "GET http://tier-1-app-a.ns-1.svc.cluster.local:8080" | vegeta attack -dns-ttl=0 -rate 500/1s -duration=2s | tee results.bin | vegeta report -type=text


Port-forward the waypoint (Envoy) admin endpoint to review configuration, stats, etc. This is useful to confirm traffic from the load generators is going through waypoints:

kubectl port-forward deploy/waypoint 15000:15000 -n <namespace>

Port-forward the ztunnel admin endpoint to review configuration, stats, etc:

kubectl port-forward -n istio-system ds/ztunnel 15020:15020


Delete the Test App or Load Generators

The scripts/ <workload_type> script deletes the 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators and all of the app's dependencies.


  • workload_type: The type of workload to delete, supported options are app for the 3-tier test app and loadgen for the vegeta load generators.

Environment Variables:

NUM_NS: The number of namespaced 3-tier test app or vegeta load generators instances, defaults to 1 with a maximum of 25.


Tools for testing the performance of service mesh implementations







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