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Descriptor files supported

MiguelRivasQuobis edited this page May 5, 2019 · 4 revisions


Every descriptor must follow a particular schema. All of the schemas can be found here. If new types are included, they will be included in that folder.

Currently, the validator supports the following types.

  • Virtual Network Function Descriptors (VNFD).
  • Network Service Descriptors (NSD).
  • Test descriptors (TSTD).
  • SLA descriptors (SLAD)
  • Slice descriptors (NSTD)
  • Runtime Policy descriptors (RPD)

The schemas are saved locally in the folder ~/.tng-shema/. Every time the tng-sdk-validate tool is invoked, the schemas will be download again but, if it is invoked offline, the validator will use the local schemas.

# Example with connectivity
Replacing schema file '/home/quobis/.tng-schema/service-descriptor/nsd-schema.yml'
Replacing schema file '/home/quobis/.tng-schema/function-descriptor/vnfd-schema.yml'
Replacing schema file '/home/quobis/.tng-schema/test-descriptor/test-schema.yml'

#Example without connectivity
There has had a problem in the connection and is not possible reload the schema. It will be used the stored schema in /home/quobis/.tng-schema/service-descriptor/nsd-schema.yml
There has had a problem in the connection and is not possible reload the schema. It will be used the stored schema in /home/quobis/.tng-schema/function-descriptor/vnfd-schema.yml
There has had a problem in the connection and is not possible reload the schema. It will be used the stored schema in /home/quobis/.tng-schema/test-descriptor/test-schema.yml
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