My dotfiles setup using gnu stow for the following
- Neovim
- Vim
- Iterm
- Zellij
- Zsh
- Oh my zsh
- .gitignore (global)
Ensure you have stow installed:
brew install stow
cd ~
git clone git://
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ~/dotfiles
stow git iterm2 nvim oh_my_zsh tmux vim zellij zsh
- Run
tmux prefix (Ctrl + A) + I
to install tmux plugins - Set the iTerm colour scheme to Tokyo Night Dark and font to MesloLGL nerd font.
You might need to run source ~/.zshrc
to reload zsh
You can set the global gitignore with:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
Since dotfiles can rely on other repos, I've chosen to add these in as git submodules, meaning they should pull their respective repos when this repo is cloned.
Submodules are as follows:
It's just git! Pull and push as you would normally.