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Python 3.9 Python 3.10 Python 3.11

🚀 Kafka Scrapy Connect


kafka_scrapy_connect is a custom Scrapy library that integrates Scrapy with Kafka.

It consists of two main components: spiders and pipelines, which interact with Kafka for message consumption and item publishing.

The library also comes with a custom extension that publishes log stats to a kafka topic at EoD, which allows the user to analyse offline how well the spider is performing!

This project has been motivated by the great work undertaken in:

kafka_scrapy_connect utilises Confluent's Kafka Python client under the hood, to provide high-level producer and consumer features.


1️⃣ Integration with Kafka 📈

  • Enables communication between Scrapy spiders and Kafka topics for efficient data processing.
  • Through partitions and consumer groups message processing can be parallelised across multiple spiders!
  • Reduces overhead and improves throughput by giving the user the ability to consume messages in batches.

2️⃣ Customisable Settings 🛠️

  • Provides flexibility through customisable configuration for both consumers and producers.

3️⃣ Error Handling 🚑

  • Automatically handles network errors during crawling and publishes failed URLs to a designated output topic.

4️⃣ Serialisation Customisation 🧬

  • Allows users to customize how Kafka messages are deserializsd by overriding the process_kafka_message method.


You can install kafka_scrapy_connect via pip:

pip install kafka_scrapy_connect


A full example using the kafka_scrapy_connect library can be found inside the repo.

The only prerequisite for walking through the example is the installation of Docker 🐳 .

This is needed because a kafka cluster will be created locally using containers so kafka_scrapy_connect can communicate with a broker.

If all set, follow the below steps 👇

  1. Create a virtual environment, clone the repo and install requirements:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
git clone && cd kafka_scrapy_connect
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a local kafka cluster with required topics:
bash ./examples/kafka/ --input-topic ScrapyInput,1 --output-topic ScrapyOutput,1 --error-topic ScrapyError,1
  1. Initiate the spider:
cd examples/quotes && scrapy crawl quotes
  1. Publish a message to the input kafka topic and watch the spider consume and process the mesasge 🪄

    1. ☝️ This will require some custom producer code to publish messages or go to https://localhost:8080 and use the UI to publish some example messages in! (The UI was created when bringing up your local kafka cluster)
  2. When satisfied with testing, exit the spider and clean up the local kafka cluster:

bash ./examples/kafka/


Custom Settings

kafka_scrapy_connect supports the following custom settings:

  • SCRAPY_KAFKA_HOSTS - A list of kafka broker hosts. (Default: localhost:29092)
  • SCRAPY_INPUT_TOPIC - Topic from which the spider[s] consumes messages from. (Default: ScrapyInput)
  • SCRAPY_OUTPUT_TOPIC - Topic where scraped items are published. (Default: ScrapyOutput)
  • SCRAPY_ERROR_TOPIC - Topic for publishing URLs that failed due to network errors. (Default: ScrapyError)
  • SCRAPY_CONSUMER_CONFIG - Additional configuration options for Kafka consumers (see here)
  • SCRAPY_PRODUCER_CONFIG - Additional configuration options for Kafka producers (see here)
  • SCRAPY_KAFKA_PRODUCER - Key used for partitioning messages in Kafka producer (Default: "" Roundrobin)
  • SCRAPY_KAFKA_PRODUCER_CALLBACKS - Enable or disable asynchronous message delivery callbacks. (Default: False)


Customising deserialisation

You can customize how Kafka messages are deserialized by overriding the process_kafka_message method in your spider class.

This allows for handling custom message formats or data transformations.

class CustomSpider(KafkaListeningSpider):
    def process_kafka_message(self, message, meta={}, headers={}):
        # Custom deserialization logic
        # Return URL, metadata or None if extraction fails

⚠️ By default, if no custom process_kafka_message method is provided, the spider method process_kafka_message will expect a JSON payload or a string containing a valid url. If it's a JSON object, it expects url in the K/V pair.

Customising Producer & Consumer settings

You can customize producer and consumer settings by providing a dictionary of configuration options in your Scrapy settings under SCRAPY_PRODUCER_CONFIG and SCRAPY_CONSUMER_CONFIG.

    'compression.type': 'gzip',
    '': 5000

    '': 10,
    '': 600000,
    'auto.offset.reset': 'latest'

Custom stats extensions

kafka_scrapy_connect comes with a custom Scrapy stats extension that:

  1. logs basic scraping statistics every minute (frequency can be configured by the scrapy setting KAFKA_LOGSTATS_INTERVAL)
  2. At end-of-day, will publish logging statistics to a Kafka topic (specified by the scrapy setting SCRAPY_STATS_TOPIC).
    1. Each summary message will be published with a key specifying the summary date (2024-02-27) for easy identification.
  3. If the spider is shutdown or closed, due to a deployment etc, a summary payload will also be sent to a kafka topic (SCRAPY_STATS_TOPIC)

To enable this custom extension, disable the standard LogStats extension and modify your to include the below:

# Kafka topic for capturing stats

# Disable standard logging extension (use custom kafka_scrapy_connect extension)
  "scrapy.extensions.logstats.LogStats": None,
  "kafka_scrapy_connect.extensions.KafkaLogStats": 500

An example payload sent to the statistics topic will look like:

	"pages_crawled": 3,
	"items_scraped": 30,
	"avg pages/min": 0.4,
	"avg pages/hour": 23.78,
	"avg pages/day": 570.63,
	"avg items/min": 3.96,
	"avg items/hour": 237.76,
	"avg items/day": 5706.3,
	"successful_request_pct": 100.0,
	"http_status_counts": "200: 3",
	"max_memory": 76136448,
	"elapsed_time": 454.23