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Hypackel Engine 1 [V1.0.4] [BETA]

Link to Use (When Importing From the Engine)


Hypackel Engine is a JavaScript-based game engine designed to empower developers with a robust set of features for creating 2D games. Whether you're building a platformer, RPG games, or top-down shooter, Hypackel Engine has you covered. Also, this engine is very begginer friendly, so anyone can use it.


Advanced Physics

  • Our physics system handles Basic Collisions
  • You can custom change the masses of objects to affect the collision system.

Collision System

  • Collision System that is easy to use.
  • Flexible collision system, allows you to push objects based on mass and speed.

Sprite System

  • Manage sprites, animations, and rendering.
  • Easy animation system that requires an array.

Audio System

  • Load, play, and manage audio assets.
  • Easy loading of audio, easy playing

Particle System

  • Create visually appealing particle effects.
  • You can even modify particles to work as bullets!

Animation System

  • Handle animations, in a simple way.
  • All you need is an array and firing a function

Getting Started

  1. Either download index.js or get it from our link
  2. Refrence the script by doing Import from
  3. Make sure to refrence YOUR script. Not the game engine. YOUR script as a module in html.
  4. Create a canvas in the HTML, refrence the canvas inside YOUR script.
  5. Your all set! Read our Docs to learn how to use it!


Future Updates to Hypackel Engine 1

  • A quick upload system to Hypackel DEV
  • Seperate script for each sprite
  • Multiplayer
  • Level editor