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Generating plugin zip

Josh Oakes edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 1 revision

On Github

  1. Navigate to the Generate Zip workflow page. To get here, vist the "Actions" tab on the GitHub repository. Then, select Generate Zip (Pup) from the left sidebar.
  2. Click the Run Workflow dropdown
  3. Ensure the Use workflow from dropdown is master
  4. If necessary, modify the Git Commit Ref text input. The branch name you input here determines the branch that will be zipped.
  5. There's an option: "Is this a production build?". If selected, it will regenerate the translation string. This isn't required for test zips. While it doesn't cause any harm, it adds about 20 seconds to the zip generation process.

The build will take about 4 minutes. Once complete, click on the Summary for the build. The zip will appear under the Artifacts section.


composer pup zip {branch_name}

The branch name is optional. If provided, it determines the branch that will be zipped. Add the --dev attribute to execute a development build. This skips the translation regeneration step. The zip includes code from the specified branch on GitHub, not from your local machine.

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