This package contains a base set of coding standards for StellarWP package development.
The rules are generally based on the PSR-12 coding standard, which is generally recommended within the larger PHP community.
Additionally, since StellarWP is largely-focused on WordPress, our standards also include important WordPress-oriented rules (e.g. late-escaping of output, input sanitization, nonce usage, etc.).
There are two main tools included in this package:
PHP_CodeSniffer is the de-facto linting tool for PHP, and there are a number of pre-configured standards available.
This package includes PHP_CodeSniffer itself, along with the WordPress Coding Standards ruleset, PHP compatibility checks, and Dealerdirect's Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer.
PHP-CS-Fixer is an additional coding standards checker for PHP, maintained by several members of the Symfony team. It provides a bit more flexibility around more sophisticated checks and experiemental features.
This package should be installed as a development dependency for your project:
$ composer require --dev stellarwp/coding-standards
This will automatically expose the phpcs
, phpcbf
, and php-cs-fixer
binaries in your project's vendor/bin
You may also wish to add the following Composer scripts to make it easier to run checks:
# composer.json
// ...
"scripts": {
// ...
"test:standards": [
"phpcs --standard=StellarWP --cache ./src ./tests",
"php-cs-fixer fix --config=vendor/stellarwp/coding-standards/src/php-cs-fixer.php -v --diff --dry-run"
"test:standards-fix": [
"phpcbf --standard=StellarWP ./src ./tests",
"php-cs-fixer fix --config=vendor/stellarwp/coding-standards/src/php-cs-fixer.php -v --diff"
"scripts-descriptions": [
"test:standards": "Check coding standards.",
"test:standards-fix": "Attempt to fix coding standards violations automatically.",
Note: You may need to adjust paths to suit your project, especially if your Composer "vendor-dir" has been changed.
The default coding standards make a few assumptions about the project (all of which may be overwritten on a per-project basis):
- Code should be compatible with PHP 5.6 or newer (to match WordPress' minimum requirements)
- Code should be compatible with the latest and previous major release WordPress (a.k.a. "current minus one")
- Anything passed through WordPress' internationalization (i18n) functions should use the "stellarwp" text domain
Rather than overwriting these values via command-line arguments, it's recommended to create a PHP_CodeSniffer configuration file in your project. An annotated starter configuration is included in this package, and can automatically be copied into the project root (.phpcs.xml.dist
) by running the following command:
$ vendor/bin/make-phpcs-config
Should you need to change the rules for PHP-CS-Fixer, you may publish a .php-cs-fixer.dist.php
file by running the following:
$ vendor/bin/make-php-cs-fixer-config
If you've copied the default test:standards
and test:standards-fix
scripts into your composer.json
file, please be sure to update their arguments!
# composer.json
// ...
"scripts": {
// ...
"test:standards": [
"phpcs --cache",
"php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php -v --diff --dry-run"
"test:standards-fix": [
"php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php -v --diff"
This library is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.