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Entity List

Note that components are split into categories.


Packages (olo_base_pkg_<...>)

Packages with type declarations and functions used in Open Logic internally or on its interfaces.

Package Description
olo_base_pkg_array Array type definitions (e.g. arrays of std_logic_vector)
olo_base_pkg_math Mathematic functions (e.g. log2)
olo_base_pkg_logic Mathematic functions (e.g. binaryToGray)

Clock Crossings (olo_base_cc_<...>)

Clock crossings are a key topic and they all follow the same clock crossing principles.

Entity Description
olo_base_cc_reset Synchronization of resets between two clock domains (bi-directional)
olo_base_cc_bits Transfer a group of individual single bit signals from one clock domain to another clock domain
olo_base_cc_pulse Transfer single-cycle pulses from one clock domain to another clock domain
olo_base_cc_simple Transfer selectively valid data from one clock domain to another clock domain (data/valid pair)
olo_base_cc_status Transfer status and configuration information from one clock domain to another clock domain. The update rate is relatively low but consistency is guaranteed
olo_base_cc_n2xn Transfer data from a slower clock to a faster phase aligned clock (output clock frequency is an exact integer multiple of the input clock frequency and the clocks are phase aligned).
olo_base_cc_xn2n Transfer data from a faster clock to a slower phase aligned clock (input clock frequency is an exact integer multiple of the output clock frequency and the clocks are phase aligned).
olo_base_cc_handshake Transfer data from one clock domain to another clock domain using the standard Valid/Ready handshaking.
For technologies with distributed RAM (LUT can be used as small RAM), olo_base_fifo_async in most cases is preferred over this entity.
olo_base_fifo_async Asynchronous FIFO (separate write and read clocks)
This is not a pure clock-crossing entity but it can be used as such.

RAM Implementations (olo_base_ram_<...>)

Entity Description
olo_base_ram_sp Single port RAM
olo_base_ram_sdp Simple dual-port RAM
olo_base_ram_tdp True dual-port RAM

FIFO Implementations (olo_base_fifo_<...>)

Entity Description
olo_base_fifo_sync Synchronous FIFO (single clock)
olo_base_fifo_async Asynchronous FIFO (separate write and read clocks)

Width Conversions (olo_base_wconv_<...>)

Entity Description
olo_base_wconv_n2xn Increase word width by an integer factor (OutWidth = InWidth x N)
Convert from TDM to parallel (see Conventions)
olo_base_wconv_xn2n Decrease word width by an integer factor (OutWidth = InWidth / N)
Convert from parallel to TDM (see Conventions)

Arbiters (olo_base_arb_<...>)

Entity Description
olo_base_arb_prio Priority arbiter - Always selects the highest priority requester with a pending request.
olo_base_arb_rr Round robin arbiter - iterate through all requesters with a pending request.

TDM (olo_base_tdm_<...>)

See Conventions for a description about TDM (time-division-multiplexing).

Entity Description
olo_base_tdm_mux Select one specific channel from a TDM signal.
olo_base_wconv_n2xn Convert from TDM to parallel (see Conventions)
This is not a pure TDM entity but it can be used for TDM purposes.
olo_base_wconv_xn2n Convert from parallel to TDM (see Conventions)
This is not a pure TDM entity but it can be used for TDM purposes.


Entity Description
olo_base_pl_stage Implements one or more pipeline stages (register stages) - with or without support for backpressure (Ready)
olo_base_delay Fixed duration delay (fixed number of data-beats)
olo_base_delay_cfg Configurable duration delay (runtime configurable number of data-beats)
olo_base_dyn_sft Dynamic barrel shifter (number of bits to shift is configurable per sample at runtime)
olo_base_prbs PRBS (pseudo random binary sequence) generator based on linear feedback shift register (LFSR) implementation.
olo_base_strobe_gen Strobe generator. Generate pulses at a fixed frequency
olo_base_strobe_div Strobe divider. Only forward every N'th pulse (divide event frequency).
Can also be used to convert single-cycle pulses to acknowledged events (pulse stays active until acknowledged).
olo_base_reset_gen Reset generator - Generates reset pulses of specified duration after configuration and upon request
olo_base_flowctrl_handler Inplements full flow-control (including Ready/back-pressure) around processing entities that do not support Ready/back-pressure natively.


Entity Description
olo_axi_pl_stage Implements a AXI4 pipeline stage, registering all signals of an AXI4 interface.
Can be used for AXI4-Lite as well.
olo_axi_lite_slave Interface to attach user register banks and memories to the AXI4-Lite bus.
olo_axi_master_simple AXI4 master - does execute arbitrarily sized transfer over AXI4. The _simple version of the master does only allow access to word-aligned addresses and sizes.
olo_axi_master_full AXI4 master - Same as olo_axi_master_simple but does allow access that are not word-aligned (in terms of start address, size or both).

Note: Open Logic focuses on providing utilities for development of AXI endpoints (masters and slaves). Open Logic does not aim to provide AXI interconnect infrastructure (e.g. crossbars, interconnects, ...). Often the vendor IPs are used (for tool integration reasons) for these aspects. If you are looking for a pure VHDL implementation of AXI interconnects, it's suggested that you use one of the following libraries:

  • hdl-modules
    • hdl-modules utilizes VHDL-2008 which has limited support in some tools (namely the Standard and Lite versions of Quartus Prime)
    • hdl-modules currently does only contain synthesis attributes for AMD (Vivado)
  • SURF
    • SURF currently does only target AMD (Vivado) and Altera (Quartus Prime)


Entity Description
olo_intf_sync Double stage synchronizer for external signals.
olo_intf_i2c_master I2C Master - Supports the full standard including arbitration (multi-master I2C) and clock stretching.
olo_intf_spi_master SPI Master - Supports handling multiple slaves and variable width transactions as well as all clock phases and poloarities and LSB/MSB first.
olo_intf_spi_slave SPI Slave - Supports all clock phases and poloarities and LSB/MSB first.
olo_intf_debounce Debouncer (for bouncing signals from buttons and switches) - Includes double-stage synchronizers.
olo_intf_clk_meas Measure the frequency of a clock.