VHDL Source: olo_intf_spi_slave
This entity implements a simple SPI slave. All common SPI settings are configurable to ensure the master can be configured for different applications.
The clock and data phase is configurable according to the SPI standard terminology (CPHA/CPOL). See Details for more information.
The component allows single transactions (where CS_n goes high after every transaction) and consecutive transactions (where CS_n does not go high between transactions), which makes it flexible to implement various protocols. See Details for more information.
On the user-side there are 3 AXI4-Stream interfaces:
- TX data (data transmitted from the slave - through MISO)
- RX data (data received from the master - through MOSI)
- Response - informing the user whether TX data was transmitted or if the master aborted the transaction by pulling CS_n high.
- The Response interface is optional and in most cases can be omitted.
The all SPI signals are properly synchronized to Clk using olo_intf_sync within olo_intf_spi_slave.
The maximum supported Spi_Sclk frequency is 10x less than the Clk frequency (with some tricks up to 6x less).
Name | Type | Default | Description |
TransWidth_g | positive | 32 | Number of bits in every SPI transaction. |
SpiCPOL_g | natural | 0 | SPI clock polarity, see figure in Overview. Range: 0 or 1 |
SpiCPHA_g | natural | 0 | SPI clock phase, see figure in Overview. Range: 0 or 1 |
LsbFirst_g | boolean | false | True: Transactions are LSB first (data bit 0 is sent first). False: Transactions are MSB first (data bit 0 is sent last) |
ConsecutiveTransactions_g | boolean | false | True: Multiple transactions without CS_n going high are supported False: CS_n must go high between transactions Only enable when required - see Details for more information. |
InternalTriState_g | boolean | true | True = Use internal tri-state buffer (Spi_Miso is used). False = Use external tri-state buffer (Spi_Miso_t and Spi_Miso_o) are used). |
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Clk | in | 1 | - | Clock - Frequency must e at least 10x higher than Spi_Sclk frequecy For higher SCLK frequencies refer to Achieving High SCLK Frequencies |
Rst | in | 1 | - | Reset input (high-active, synchronous to Clk) |
Interface for data received from the master through Spi_Mosi.
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Rx_Valid | out | 1 | N/A | AXI-S handshaking signal for Rx_Data |
Rx_Data | out | TransWidth_g | N/A | Data received from Master |
Interface for data sent to the master through *Spi_Miso.
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Tx_Valid | in | 1 | '1' | AXI-S handshaking signal for Rx_Data |
Tx_Ready | out | 1 | N/A | AXI-S handshaking signal for Rx_Data |
Tx_Data | in | TransWidth_g | 0 | Data received from Master |
In most cases transactions will never be aborted and hence the user can does not need to înterpret output of the Response interface. In this case, the related ports can be left unconnected.
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Resp_Valid | out | 1 | N/A | AXI-S handshaking signal for Resp_... |
Resp_Sent | out | 1 | N/A | Indicates that TX data the user applied through the Tx_... interface was successfully transmitted to the master. |
Resp_Aborted | out | 1 | N/A | Indicates that the transmission of TX data the user applied through the Tx_... interface was aborted by the master pulling Cs_n high before the transfer was completed. |
Resp_CleanEnd | out | 1 | N/A | Indicates that Cs_n was pulled high witout any remaining data to transmit. |
The difference between Resp_Sent and Resp_CleanEnd becomes obvious for continuous transactions without Cs_n going high. In this case Resp_Sent is pulsed high for every transaction and Resp_CleanEnd is pulsed high only once at the very end.
All signals in the response interface are single cycle pulses. The user may also just regard Resp_Sent, Resp_Aborted and Resp_CleanEnd as single cycle pulses and ignore Resp_Valid.
Name | In/Out | Length | Default | Description |
Spi_Cs_n | in | 1 | N/A | SPI chip select (low-active). |
Spi_Sclk | in | 1 | N/A | SPI clock. Frequency must be at least 10x lower than Clk frequency. For higher SCLK frequencies refer to Achieving High SCLK Frequencies |
Spi_Mosi | in | 1 | '0' | SPI data from master to slave. Can be left unconnected if only the slave does send data. |
Spi_Miso | out | 1 | N/A | Used only if InternalTriState_g = true SPI data from slave to master. Can be left unconnected if the only the master does send data. |
Spi_Miso_t | out | 1 | N/A | Used only if InternalTriState_g = false Spi_Miso Tri-State signal ('1' = tristated, '0' drive) Can be left unconnected if the only the master does send data. |
Spi_Miso_o | out | 1 | N/A | Used only if InternalTriState_g = false Spi_Miso output data signal. Can be left unconnected if the only the master does send data. |
The generics which are not self-explaining are covered in this section in detail.
The clock and data phase is configurable according to the SPI standard terminology described in the picture below:
CPOL and CPHA meaning
For CPHA = 1, the sampling happens on the second edge (blue) and data is applied on the first edge (red). For CPHA = 0 it is the opposite way.
The implementation in olo_intf_spi_slave is slightly different. Data is sampled and applied on the same edge. Reason for this implementation is that the propagation delay from an incoming Spi_Sclk edge until the Spi_Miso data is updated is relatively long (4 clock cycles). As a result Spi_Miso hold-time is uncritical - and in contrast Spi_Miso setup time is critical. To maximize the allowed Spi_Sclk frequency, it is optimal to apply Spi_Miso output data as soon as possible (4 clock cycles after) the Spi_Sclk sampling edge.
Meaning of LsbFirst_g
If this generic is set to true, the data is transmitted/received LSB first. Otherwise data is received/transmitted MSB first.
Meaning of LsbFirst_g
If this is generic is set to false, Spi_Cs_n must always go high between two transactions. If it is true, transactions can happen consecutively (i.e. with Spi_Cs_n) staying low.
Separate transactions (ConsecutiveTransactions_g = false)
Consecutive transactions (ConsecutiveTransactions_g = true)
Note that there is always at least one clock cycle of time available from Rx_Valid assertion until the latest point Tx_Valid must be asserted to inject data for the next transaction.
This interface is used to transfer the TX data (to be transferred to the master through Spi_Miso) from the user to olo_intf_spi_slave. The TX data is latched at the very beginning of each transaction.
For the TX data interface (Tx_...) the following applies:
When Tx_Ready goes high and the user does not provide TX data (i.e. set Tx_Valid='1') before Tx_Ready goes low again, zeros are transmitted. The user CANNOT provide Tx_Data at a later point in time for this specific transaction. Tx_Ready goes low when it is too late to send the first bit of data in-time for the first transmitting clock edge.
For the setting SpiCPHA_g=0, Spi_Miso must become valid after the falling-edge of Spi_Cs_n immediately, as visible from the figure in Overview. Therefore in this case, the application of Tx_Data must happen immediately. Hence Tx_Ready is only pulsed high for one single clock cycle and the user must present Tx_Data and apply Tx_Valid='1' in this cycle.
For consecutive transactions, the comment applies only to the very first transaction after Spi_Cs_n going low. For the following transactions, the Tx_Ready high phase is longer.
This interface is used to transfer the RX data (received from the master through Spi_Mosi) from olo_intf_spi_slave to the user. The RX data is presented at the very end of each transaction.
- The Rx_... interface does not support backpressure. The user MUST read Rx_Data in the single clock cycle Rx_Valid is high.
Generally, the response interface Resp_... informs the user about how a transaction ended. In most cases this iformation is not needed and the user can leave all Resp_... ports unconnected.
- Resp_Sent='1' indicates that data the user passed through Tx_... was successfully and completely sent to the master.
- Resp_Aborted='1' indicates that Spi_Cs_n was pulled high BEFORE all data the user passed through Tx_... was sent to the master.
- Resp_CleanEnd='1' indicates that Spi_Cs_n was pulled high at a moment where no transmit data was pending (because the user did not assert Tx_Valid for the next transaction).
For single transactions, there are the following options:
- One Resp_Aborted='1' response if the user passed data through the Tx_... intetrface and Spi_Cs_n is pulled high during the transaction.
- One Resp_Sent='1' followed by one Resp_CleanEnd='1' response if the user passed data through the Tx_... intetrface and Csp_Cs_n is pulled high after the transaction completed.
- One Resp_CleanEnd='1' response if the user did not pass data through the Tx_... interface and Spi_Cs_n is pulled high. Whether Spi_Cs_n is pulled high after all bits were transferred or during the transfer does not play any role in this case.
For continuous transactions, the responses are the same. Just that Resp_Aborted='1' becomes more common at the end of the transfer because at the time olo_spi_slave asserts Tx_Ready='1' the user cannot know if this was the last transaction in a burst or not. Hence the user might assert Tx_Valid but the data might not be sent because the master pulls Spi_Cs_n high - which leads to a Resp_Aborted='1' response.
The propagation delay from Spi_Cs_n falling-edge to the application of the first data-bit on Spi_Miso is four clock cycles:
- Two clock cycles for synchronization for Spi_Cs_n (double stage synchronizer)
- One clock cycle for the edge detection
- One clock cycle for setting Spi_Miso
As a result the master must be configured to ensure a at least 5 Clk periods of time between the falling edge of Spi_Cs_n and the first sampling edge of Spi_Sclk. For SpiCPH_g=1 this normally is the case anyways. For SpiCPH_g=0 it might require special attention.
The propagation delay from Spi_Sclk edges to the application of Spi_Miso data four clock cycles:
- Two clock cycles for synchronization for Spi_Sclk (double stage synchronizer)
- One clock cycle for the edge detection
- One clock cycle for setting Spi_Miso
Spi_Sclk frequencies above 1/10 of the Clk frequencies is possible with some special considerations, which violate the normal AXI4-Stream handshaking.
For Spi_Sclk frequencies between 1/8 and 1/10 of the Clk frequency, ensure that Tx_Valid goes high not more than two clock cycles after Tx_Ready is asserted. This limitation applies even if Tx_Ready stays high for longer.
For Spi_Sclk frequencies between 1/6 and 1/8 of the Clk frequency, ensure that Tx_Valid goes high not more than one clock cycle after Tx_Ready is asserted. This limitation applies even if Tx_Ready stays high for longer.
For high Spi_Sclk frequencies, the Spi_Miso line is timing critical regarding routing.
This section provides different possible SPI protocol definitions for an SPI register access with 10-bit register address and 8-bit register data. The aim is the sowcase the effect of different configuration options.
All options shown use LsbFirst_g=false.
In this case the protocol would be defined as follows:
- Bit[15]='1' of MOSI data indicates a command
- '0' indicates a pure data word (read or write data)
- Bit[14] defines the command: '1'=read, '0'=write
- Bit[9:0] define the address of the access
For write commands, write data is transferred in Bits[7:0] of the next transaction (data word).
Write Command
For read commands, read data is returned in Bits[7:0] of the next transaction. In general, Rx_Data is presented only after the first transaction completed and at this point Tx_Data was already transmitted. Hence with none-consecutive transactions, Tx_Data cannot depend on Rx_Data of the same transfer.
Read Command
Using 8-bit consecutive transactions, it is possible to build a protocol that shows up as a single 24-bit SPI transaction on the master (but as 3 8-bit transactions on the slave).
- Bit[23] of MOSI data indicates if the transaction is a read or a write
- Bit[17:8] define the address of the access
- Bit[7:0] of MISO (read) or MOSI (write) contain the data.
Write Command
There is half a clock period between the last sample edge of the second byte (when the address and the command is known) and the first transmit edge of the third byte (by when TX data must be passed) if the Spi_Sclk frequency is significantly lowr than the Clk frequency. Hence it is possible to pass read-data through Tx_... between Bit[8] and Bit[7] of the transaction (between the second and third 8-bit transaction for the slave).
Read Command
The only drawback of this solution is, that a small FSM is required to handle the different 8-bit transactions (from a slave perspective) that make up a 24-bit transaction (from master perspective).
In case of high Spi_Sclk frequencies (see Achieving High SCLK Frequencies), it is not always possible to provide the next Tx_Data quick enough after Rx_Valid. In this case 32-bits (4 x 8 bits) are required and the additional data-byte is inserted to allow for more time for gnerating Tx_Data after the address was received through Rx_Data.
Because this topic affects read only, only the read transaction is shown.
Write Command