$ git clone https://github.com/sting2804/vagrant-postgresql_9.4.git testapp
# Enter the cloned directory:
$ cd testapp
# Start up the virtual machine:
$ vagrant up
# Stop the virtual machine:
$ vagrant halt
Your PostgreSQL database has been setup and can be accessed on your local machine on the forwarded port (default: 15432)
Host: localhost
Port: 15432
Database: admin
Username: admin
Password: adminpass
Admin access to postgres user via VM:
vagrant ssh
sudo su - postgres
psql access to app database user via VM:
vagrant ssh
sudo su - postgres
PGUSER=admin PGPASSWORD=adminoass psql -h localhost admin
Env variable for application development:
Local command to access the database via psql:
PGUSER=admin PGPASSWORD=adminpass psql -h localhost -p 15432 admin