pip install pyned2lla
import pyned2lla
import math
D2R = math.pi/180.0
R2D = 180.0/math.pi
wgs84 = pyned2lla.wgs84()
(lat0, lon0, alt0) = 47.992875, 7.853876, 281 # Schwabentor, Freiburg
(north, east, down) = 1650, 170, 20
(lat, lon, alt) = pyned2lla.ned2lla(lat0*D2R, lon0*D2R, alt0, north, east, down, wgs84)
print((lat*R2D, lon*R2D, alt)) # Institute of Biology I, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
The above should print approximately (48.00771378931424, 7.8561542926911985, 261.21592491399497)
MIT license
maturin develop
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