A set of utility functions and classes to support SharePoint development using JSOM.
The library simplifies some of the tasks and uses ES6 promises to wrap executeQueryAsync
such that they work nicely together.
import {createTermStore} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var store = createTermStore();
//to get all terms of a term set
var terms = await store.getAllTermsByTermSetId('11365da4-d7cd-43b3-9d28-9d43b0313f2f');
import {getUserPictureLink} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var pictureUrl = getUserPictureLink('[email protected]');
import {getUserDelveLink} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var delveLink = getUserDelveLink('[email protected]');
import {createVersionLink} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
//first major version link
var delveLink = createVersionLink(512);
import {executeOnContext} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext();
var web = ctx.get_web();
await executeOnContext(ctx);
import {createFolderInListIfNotExist} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext();
var web = ctx.get_web();
var pages = web.get_lists().getByTitle('Pages');
var folder = await createFolderInListIfNotExist(ctx,pages,'folder1/folder2/folder3');//returns folder3
import {folderExistsInList} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext();
var web = ctx.get_web();
var pages = web.get_lists().getByTitle('Pages');
var result = await folderExistsInList(ctx,pages,'folder3'); //returns true/false
import {createPublishingPage} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext();
var result = await createPublishingPage(ctx,'somfile','My Content Type Name');
import {getPageLayoutItemByAssociatedContentType} from 'stickyants-sp-util';
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext();
var result = await getPageLayoutItemByAssociatedContentType(ctx,'My Content Type Name');
* JSOM error codes, the possible values of error codes that JSOM
* can return
export enum SPErrorCode {
* The accessed item has been deleted
ItemDoesNotExist = -2147024809,
* Some unknown error
GenericError = -1,
* User does not have permission to access/perform operation
AccessDenied = -2147024891,
* A document with the same name already exist and the user is attempting to add new file/folder
DocAlreadyExists = -2130575257,
* A version that is more recent has been saved
VersionConflict = -2130575339,
* List item is in recycle bin
ListItemDeleted = -2130575338,
* A field value that has been provided is invalid
InvalidFieldValue = -2130575155,
* Operation not supported
NotSupported = -2147024846,
Redirect = -2130575152,
NotSupportedRequestVersion = -2130575151,
* A specific field validation has failed
FieldValueFailedValidation = -2130575163,
* Item update failed validation rules
ItemValueFailedValidation = -2130575162,