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SeqSite: Seeking for ChIP-Seq Binding Sites

SeqSite is useful to identify transcription factor binding sites based on ChIP-seq data. It can pinpoint closely spaced binding sites and isolated binding sites in detected binding regions at a high resolution.


  1. Clone the most updated SeqSite source code package

git clone

  1. Type 'make' to generate the binary file SeqSite.


  1. Type 'make install' to copy the executable file SeqSite to your directory for binary files: ~/bin

    The default installing path is ~/bin. Please specify BIN_DIR in Makefile, if you want to install SeqSite to anywhere else.

make install

  1. Type 'SeqSite' to get the information how to run it.

SeqSite -h

RUN SeqSite NOW!

  • Input files for SeqSite

    ChIP-seq tags: a BED file with 4 fields required: chrId, start, end, and strand Control tags: a BED file with 4 fields required: chrId, start, end, and strand

    It is recommended to run SeqSite with control data, although it is not required.

    Users can download PERL script provided on our website to convert other formats to BED.

  • Usage

    SeqSite [options] <input.bed> <> <output.bed>
        input.bed    ChIP-seq data in BED format (4 fields required: chrId, start, end, and strand)   BAR file containing binding sites identified
        output.bed   BED file containing binding regions detected
    Options: ( * advanced )
        -c <string>  control data in BED format (4 fields required) (default: not use)
        -g <int>     effective genome size (default: 2.4e+9 for the human genome)
        -d <int>     * tag clustering distance (default: 30)
        -n <int>     * min tag count in a tag cluster (default: 10)
        -S           * filter single-strand tag clusters (default: not filter)
        -l <double>  * average DNA fragment length (default: estimate from data)
        -t <int>     * top <int>% tag clusters for frag. length estimating (default: 5)
        -p <double>  p-value cutoff for binding region detection (default: 1e-3)
        -f <double>  FDR for binding region detection (default: 0.1)
        -s <int>     * arm length for smoothing tag signal (default: 20)
        -k <int>     * kernel density bandwidth for smoothing tag signal (default: use -s)
        -w <int>     * experimental motif width (default: 20)
        -F           * filter out the duplicate reads (default: FALSE)
        -q           quiet: no screen display (default: show progress)
    Help Options:
        -h           show this help message
        -v           show version information
        -a           about SeqSite
  • Output files of SeqSite

    • BED file for binding regions

        Each column of the BED file represents:
        chr#, start, end, read-count|fold-change|p-value|q-value, score, strand(+)
    • BAR file for binding sites

        Each column of the BAR file represnets:
        chr#, position, p-value, fold-change, q-value, R-square, slope(normalized)


We provide an example for a quick start.

  1. Please download the following data files first:

    GABP ChIP-seq data:

    Control data:

  2. Unzip the files

    gunzip GABP.bed.gz

    gunzip RX_noIP.bed.gz

  3. Run SeqSite

    SeqSite -c ./RX_noIP.bed ./GABP.bed GABP.SeqSite.BR.bed


Please return any bug reports and questions to Xi Wang ( xi dot wang at mdc-berlin dot de)


[1] Xi Wang and Xuegong Zhang. (2011) Pinpointing Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ChIP-seq Data with SeqSite. BMC Systems Biology, 5(Suppl 2):S3.