You know, all we need are Jazz and Vim.
You need to install some Vim plugins, but NeoBundle
makes it painless. I recommend it to manage plugins.
You also need to install mplayer
I recommend to use NeoBundle.vim
to install this plugin.
NeoBundleLazy 'supermomonga/jazzradio.vim', { 'depends' : [ 'Shougo/unite.vim' ] }
if neobundle#tap('jazzradio.vim')
call neobundle#config({
\ 'autoload' : {
\ 'unite_sources' : [
\ 'jazzradio'
\ ],
\ 'commands' : [
\ 'JazzradioUpdateChannels',
\ 'JazzradioStop',
\ {
\ 'name' : 'JazzradioPlay',
\ 'complete' : 'customlist,jazzradio#channel_key_complete'
\ }
\ ],
\ 'function_prefix' : 'jazzradio'
\ }
\ })
At first, you need to get and cache channel list with :JazzradioUpdateChannels
command. Note that it takes long times.
Then, you can choose and play the radio with :Unite jazzradio
or :JazzradioPlay [channel_id]
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