A study in understanding unemployment stats in Singapore and analyzing if the following factors affect the trend:
- Gender discrimination and overall size of female workforce
- Productivity within an industry (value added)
- Resignation rates within industries
- Recruitment rates within industries
- Training and qualifications within the workforce
- Any other factors?
Step 1: Data Extraction
Source: https://www.singstat.gov.sg/find-data/search-by-theme/economy/labour-employment-wages-and-productivity/latest-data
- Files were extracted in .xlsx format and studied using Google Sheets.
- From here I extracted the useful data, formatted it, removed null and empty values
- Downloaded all of that to csv files
Step 2: Data Modelling
- Wrote a python script to trawl through the data and reshape the tables so that they can be visualized better on Tableau.
- Run through all CSV files.
Data Visualization done on Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/suranjana.sengupta/viz/SingaporeUnemploymentStatistics/introunemploymentrate