This repository contains all the practices developed during the Organización de Computadores (ST0254) course at EAFIT University.
##Description The new CoffeeShop Coffee Star specializes in providing coffee products. The prices of the products are listed below:
Product | Price |
Coffee | $2.00 |
Whipped Cream topping | + $0.89 |
Cinnamon topping | + $0.25 |
Chocolate topping | + $0.59 |
Amaretto topping | + $1.50 |
Irish Whiskey topping | + $1.75 |
All products are coffee served alone or with one or more additions.
Order bill must include 10% of IVA tax.
##Practice 1: Developed in: Assembly - SimuProc
Key words: Assembly, SimuProc, CoffeeShop
- Accept the client order, which can be for one or more coffees, with their respective toppings.
- Add and show in screen the total of the order (including IVA).
- Read the value paid by the client and calculate the correspoding change.
- In case the client doesn't have enough money to pay, the order could be modified or calceled.
- At the end of the day, cashier can check the checkbox, which should show the total number of coffees and toppings sold, and total earning.
- The option "Quit" allows to close and terminate the program.
Main menu
Making an order
Current coffee
Coffee Added
Amount to pay
##Practice 2: Developed in: C++ and embedded Assembly
Updates from version 1:
- The visual part of the application was developed in C++ whereas the business logic was made using embedded Assembly.
- Tables were included to the program in order to emulate a more complex coffee shop. That means that table clients can ask for additional coffes at any time and they are allowed to pay when leaving the store.
- Voluntary 10% tips were added for the tables bill of sale.
- Totals appear classified by tables, bar and there is a general total for the entire coffee house.
- A list of tables showing their availability or occupancy is presented to the cashier.
Asking for topping
Bar cashbox
Bill of sale
Current coffee
Finish and pay order
General cashbox
Lower amount paid
Make order
Tables status
Show toppings
Tables cashbox