Transformations (Catmandu, XSLT) and basic workflow scripts to prepare HAN-data for indexing in swissbib. For further documentation see
The following scripts need to be saved in the HANTransformations root directory:
- shell script that controls the main workflow. It calls the three scripts consecutively:
- (step 1)
- (step 2)
- (step 3)
- perl script to flatten the records into one line (called by step 3)
The Perl-script need Perl modules of the Catmandu project (can be installed using cpan).
The xslt-script HAN.Bestand.xslt needs to be saved in: HANTransformations/xslt
An XML parser needs to be saved in: HANTransformations/libs
We use saxon, e.g. saxon9pe.jar, along with the license
- Input directory step 1: HANTransformations/raw.hanseq; contains data in Aleph sequential format (usually dsv05.seq)
- Output directory step 1: HANTransformations/raw.hanmarc
- Input directory step 2: HANTransformations/raw.hanmarc; contains data in MarcXML format
- Output directory step 2: HANTransformations/out.swissbib-MARC
- Input directory step 3: HANTransformations/out.swissbib-MARC
- Output directory step 3: HANTransformations/out.swissbib-MARC-1line