QGIS plugin for DWD rasterized precipitation datasets like RADOLAN/RADKLIM and REGNIE
This project is a QGIS plugin that brings precipitation data from German Meteorological Service (DWD, https://www.dwd.de) - radar data in RADOLAN/RADKLIM binary format in any grid dimension as well as REGNIE - on a map. You also can add up RADOLAN data!
Applications: hydrometeorological and agricultural analyses.
load the following data types:
- load/display any binary file in RADOLAN / RADKLIM format (incl. gz-compression)
- radolan summation: you can add up RADOLAN data!
- daily, monthly and multiannual REGNIE files (incl. gz-compression)
additional functions for RADOLAN:
- bring it to standard projection ETRS89 / LAEA Europe
- optional cut to german border (or any other shape file)
- status of DWD Radar Network included (see Wiki)
=> Wiki
- Overview: https://dwd.de/RADOLAN. There are hourly (RH, RW) or daily (SF) datasets.
A RADOLAN-RW-testfile (gzipped binary) is included in directoryexample/sample_file/
. - Data download: RADOLAN (recent) and RADKLIM radar climatology dataset: DWD open climate data
- REGNIE overview: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/regnie/regnie.html
- Data download:
Plugin was successfully tested with QGIS
- 3.16 Hannover on Linux openSUSE 15.3 and Windows 10
- 3.10 A Coruña on Linux openSUSE 15.1 and Windows 10
If you experience any problems when starting the plugin, please make sure that
you have a current version of QGIS and Python installed on your system.
- https://qgis.org
at qgis.org
to give me feedback about usability and
help improving this plugin to promote open source (GIS)software and data!