2024, Till Bovermann
recognise and count dice eyes
- add ROI selection and cropping
best to install into a virtual environment
set up a virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
install the required packages
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Stable light and background conditions are important.
- A setup with the camera and a diffused LED light source below a glass plate worked well.
- A translucent white sheet of paper on top of the glass removes the background and isolates the dice.
- Adjusting the camera position to be in a slight angle helps to reduce reflections.
Requires a single image of a dice with a white background. The script will detect the dice eyes and print the result.
python getDiceEyes.py --help
run an example
python getDiceEyes.py --min 0.3 --max 0.9 data/dice_5_eyes_4.jpg
Use a video source to detect dice eyes. The script will open a window and display the video stream. The dice eyes will be highlighted in the video stream.
For best results, adjust the parameters --min
and --max
and set the zoom level.
python videoGrabber.py --window --src 0 --fps 1 --min 0.025 --dilateIterations 2 --kernelSize 1 --max 0.08 2>/dev/null