Tarka Chat UI is a plug and play javascript library to integrate a chat assistant to your website in one line
- Include the following script (hosted in CDN) in your html
<script src="https://d1fmfone96g0x2.cloudfront.net/tarka-chat-2.4.0.umd.js"></script>
Include highcharts library to generate charts by highcharts
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
- Initialise the global
component with options in any script tag
title: "Personal Assistant",
botName: "superbot",
greeting: "Welcome. How can I assist you today?",
themeColor: "#F0DAFB",
selectorId: "chatbot",
expand: true,
enableUpload: true,
preChatRenderer: function (onClose) {
// Return a DOM Node that can be attached to the chatbot UI
// Use the onClose callback to close the pre-chat screen
const button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerText = "Close pre-chat";
button.addEventListener("click", onClose);
return button;
submitHandler: async function (message) {
// Do API calls
// after getting response return the response string
return Promise.resolve("Recieved response");
[Optional] title is the title of the chatbot window
[Optional] botName will be displayed below each bot message
[Optional] expand opens the chat window in expanded mode on init when set to true, otherwise opens in collapse mode. Defaults to false.
[Optional] enableUpload will show the option to upload a file when set to true. False by default
greeting will be the first message displayed on the chatbot when opened for the first time
themeColor will set the color scheme of the chat window
selectorId the DOM element selector (id) inside which the bot will be rendered
submitHandler this function will be called whenever a user types a message in the bot and submits Returned response from submitHandler should be one the below types:
- String
- One of the below objects:
- Text type:
{ "type": "text", "message": "MESSAGE" }
- File type:
{ "type": "file", "link": "LINK_TO_FILE", "name": "FILE_NAME", }
- Image type:
{ "type": "image", "link": "LINK_TO_IMAGE", "name": "IMAGE_NAME", }
- HighCharts config type:
{ "type": "highchart-config", "high_chart_config": { highcharts_config_obj } }
- Table type:
{ "type": "table", "table_data": { "header":[],"rows":[{}] } }
- Array containing one/multiple of above mentioned types: E.g.
[ { "type": "text", "message": "MESSAGE" }, { "type": "file", "link": "LINK_TO_FILE", "name": "FILE_NAME", } ]
[Optional] reportMessage Set this config when you want to report any incoming messages.
{ reportType: "REPORT_MESSAGE_TYPE", handle: (messsageId, payload, feedbackMessage) => { // messageId: unique message id generated by tarka chat // payload: It's the same response payload being shown in tarka chat. // feedbackMessage: The feedback message. // TODO: YOUR_BUSINESS_LOGIC }, }
- Available report types are: ALL: To report any incoming message ONLY_LAST_MESSAGE: To report only last message
Demo is deployed from the application code in demo/
Link: https://tarkalabs.github.io/tarka-chat/demo/
- v1.0 : https://d1fmfone96g0x2.cloudfront.net/tarka-chat-1.0.umd.js
- v2.3 : https://d1fmfone96g0x2.cloudfront.net/tarka-chat-2.3.1.umd.js
- v2.4 : https://d1fmfone96g0x2.cloudfront.net/tarka-chat-2.4.4.umd.js
If you wanted to run this code in your local for development purposes, Run the following command from project root folder yarn dev
and open dev/index.html
in your browser to see the chat window. Your local changes will be hot reloaded
Maintainers can release a new version of tarka chat by running the github action release
. This will push a new release into our CDN based on the version in the package.json file and creates a new github release