Maven plugins for JSCover.
This plugin has the following goals:
instrument the JavaScript on the file-systemjscover-file:jscover
run the JavaScript tests and generate JavaScript code coverage usingfile-mode
run the JavaScript tests and generate JavaScript code coverage usingserver-mode
Automatic running of tests currently supports:
- Server and file-mode plugins (generate your coverage reports without ever running a server)
- QUnit, Jasmine, Jasmine2, Mocha and custom test frameworks
- WebDriver drivers (e.g. PhantomJS, Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc...)
- Coverage thresholds
- Multiple report formats (JSCover HTML, LCOV, Cobertura XML)
- Ant style test inclusion and exclusions
See the server configuration here.
See the file configuration here.
See JSCover-Samples.
mvn clean source:jar javadoc:jar deploy
Development snapshots on sonatype.
Generate signatures:
mvn clean source:jar javadoc:jar install
find . -name "*.asc" -exec gpg -v --verify '{}' \;
Count signatures:
find . -name "*.asc" | wc -l
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
mvn clean cobertura:cobertura -Dcobertura.aggregate=true && mvn surefire-report:report -DskipTests=true -Daggregate=true