AutoIt-API-WS is a light weight web server with expressive syntax, with the sole purpose of wrapping your existing AutoIt app with little to no effort.
With AutoIt-API-WS you can send and receive data between any application or framework, as long they can handle HTTP requests, which is an industry standard today.
Like my other communcations UDF AutoIt-Socket-IO AutoIt-API-WS is heavily inspired from the big boys, but this time its Laravel and Ruby on Rails.
- No external or internal dependencies required
- RESTful mindset when designed
- Expressive syntax
- Small codebase
- Heavy use of Michelsofts Dictionary object
- Not complient with any RFC, so something important could be missing. Time will tell!
- One persons slow loris attack will kill the process forever.
This is a basic cRud operation with the RESTful mindset in use.
#include "API.au3"
#include <Array.au3>
_API_MGR_SetName("My APP DB adapter")
_API_MGR_SetVer("1.0 BETA")
_API_MGR_SetDescription("This adapter allows you to get this n that")
_API_MGR_ROUTER_GET('/users', CB_GetUsers, 'string sortBy', 'Get all users, sortBy can be either asc or desc. asc is default')
_API_MGR_ROUTER_GET('/users/{id}', CB_GetUsersById, 'int id*', 'Get user by id')
Func DB_GetUsers()
Local $userA = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
Local $userB = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")
$userA.add('id', 1)
$userA.add('name', 'TarreTarreTarre')
$userA.add('age', 27)
$userB.add('id', 2)
$userB.add('name', @UserName)
$userB.add('age', 22)
Local $aRet = [$userA, $userB]
Return $aRet
Func CB_GetUsers(Const $oRequest)
Local $aUsers = DB_GetUsers()
If $oRequest.exists('sortBy') Then
Switch $oRequest.item('sortBy')
Case Default
Case 'asc'
Case 'desc'
Return $aUsers
Func CB_GetUsersById(Const $oRequest)
Local Const $aUsers = DB_GetUsers()
Local $foundUser = Null
For $i = 0 To UBound($aUsers) -1
Local $curUser = $aUsers[$i]
If $curUser.item('id') == $oRequest.item('#id') Then
$foundUser = $curUser
If Not IsObj($foundUser) Then
Return _API_RES_NotFound(StringFormat("Could not find user with ID %d", $oRequest.item('#id')))
return $foundUser
When you visit http://localhost:3000 you are greeted with this pleasent view that will show you all your registred routes and some extra info you have provided.
When you visit http://localhost:3000/users the UDF will return the array of objects as Json
And here is an example of http://localhost:3000/users/1
If you want more examples, look in the examples/