fancy, lightweight, drop-in day-night sky component for A-Frame. Utilizes a-sun-sky and aframe-star-system.
- sunrise, daytime, and sunset feature beautiful rayleigh scattering colors in the sky
component creates feeling of darkness after sunset, that then retreats as stars slowly fade into view- moon rises and sets, creating a blue rayleigh glow in the sky
- stars fade out, and then fog again comes in just to create a feeling of shadows retreating at dawn.
- play with live functioning code on glitch:!/remix/a-super-sky
- this repo's demo html: index.html in this repo
- this repo's live demo:
- see live demo on glitch:
- runs easily in oculus quest 2's native browser. seems to run super smooth in cardboard as well.
- to reduce resource demands, reduce
and addthrottle
- Absolutely works with A-Frame 1.0.4 & 1.1.0.
- Sun/Moon work with A-Frame 1.2.0 with stars disabled
dependency isn't updated with the changes to THREE.geometry yet needed for 1.2.0 updates (it's a 4 year old project that uses particles for the performant star effect). Disable the stars withshowStars: false
to get sun/moon without stars, ormoonCycle: false
to only show sunrise/sunset/darkness without stars or moon, and it'll work fine in 1.2.0.
add sources to project:
<script src="/super-sky.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/aframe-sun-sky.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
then add sky to your scene:
material="side: back; rayleigh: 1; luminance: 1;"
super-sky="cycleDuration:.1; moonCycle:true; showStars:true;";
see super-sky.js schema for options. comments explain their use.
- cause sun/moon/stars to optionally affect scene lighting
- better method for changing moon rise/set position than a-scene rotation
- enable better control of sun/moon trajectory through sky
- code could be cleaner and more well tested--it's really something I shared as soon as I threw it together and got it working. "Better rough than never."
- slightly rotate world while stars are in sky to create star movement
- fix sudden shift from blue-darkness sky to grey-darkness sky after moonset resulting from rayleigh and/or luminance shift
- currently night is 3x the length of day. This would imitate only northern winters/southern summers that have 8 hours of daylight, e.g. 10am to 6pm. ability to tweak this would be desirable.
- moon with phases would be an excellent improvement.