Dead simple demo stack featuring a sample submission API and RabbitMQ messaging
Requires installation of RabbitMQ: You can do this at
Build from the root of the project with mvnw clean package
After building you'll have 2 executable jars in samples-subs-demo-api/target/
and samples-subs-demo-consumer/target/
. Run with the following set of command:
>: rabbitmq-server
Open a new shell and start the API
>: java -jar sample-subs-demo-api/target/sample-subs-demo-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This starts your server: check it is live at http://localhost:8080/health
In a new shell, send a POST request to submit a sample
>: curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"foo"}' http://localhost:8080/samples
This should return a 201 CREATED
response and you should be able to see this sample from http://localhost:8080/samples
Open a new shell and start the consumer
>: java -jar sample-subs-demo-consumer/target/sample-subs-demo-consumer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Your message consumer is now running as a dedicated server application, and is monitoring the message queue to be notified of new submissions
If you submit another new sample:
>: curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"bar"}' http://localhost:8080/samples
You should see the following console message from the consumer application:
Received a newly created sample: accession = 2, name = bar
This is an asynchronous messaging application which sends JSON serialized forms of the sample objects as messages, so the consumer can read the sample metadata. This makes it quite resilient: for example, you can terminate the consumer, submit some new samples, than restart the consumer and any new messages in the queue will be pulled back at restart.
Feedback on this noddy implementation welcome: [email protected]