CRISPR edit analysis by amplicon sequencing
Configuration Table Example:
Directory File_Name Target Sample Design Experiment_Name Time_Point Chron_Order Noise
------------------------------ ---------------------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- ------------ ------------- -------
/mnt/c/Export/Amp_test/PACE_21 90930_B2M_1.output.csv B2M 1 T PACE_20_B 1 1 Y
/mnt/c/Export/Amp_test/PACE_21 90930_B2M_2.output.csv B2M 2 C PACE_20_B 2 2 Y
usage: [-h] -p PATH -f FILE
Application to call CRISPR edits from amplicon sequencing libraries
optional arguments:
-h, --help
-p PATH, --path PATH path to configuration file...
-f FILE, --file FILE name of configuration file.[CSV]