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Boolean Circuit Simulator implemented in Zero-Knowledge


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zktsim - Boolean circuit simulator in zero-knowledge

Prove that a hardware chip conforms to certain functional specifications without revealing the its design!


Consider the case of IP (hardware chip) manufacturers and consumers. IP consumers would like to ascertain that the IP provided by a manufacturer complies with the desired specification before buying it. The IP manufacturer would like to prove this but they don't want to reveal the IP design before the consumer buys it. Using zero-knowledge proofs, the IP manufacturer can do just that - they can prove that the IP complies with the desired specification without revealing the IP design.

This project focuses specifically on combinational logic circuits. The key specification to be proven in zero-knowledge is that the circuit adheres to a given (input, output) pair with a maximum propagation delay of d. Additionally, the project offers the capability to prove this specification directly from Verilog designs. This allows IP manufacturers to prove claims such as having a faster adder or matrix multiplier directly from their Verilog designs.

Link to presentation slides.

Setup and run

Make sure you have the Yosys Open Synthesis software installed.

  • First convert your Verilog designs to a .zkt flattened netlist that the program understands. From the root of the repository, execute
    $ scripts/ <path-to-verilog-top-module.v> <name-of-top-module> <path-to-output.zkt>
  • Now you can use the zktsim library to run the prover and verifier following the example in io_sat_ckt/ and prop_delay_ckt/

Circuit specification


IOSatCircuit - PLONKish arithmetization table

Gate inputs and output with values Wire assignments Gate definition Expected input and output Circuit netlist commitment

Gate inputs and output with values subtable

i_e_g e_g g l_idx l_val r_idx r_val o_idx o_val
Fixed Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice
Internal enable gate Enable gate Gate type Left input index Left input value Right input index Right input value Output index Output value

Wire assignments subtable

i_e_w idx val
Fixed Fixed Advice
Internal enable wire assignment Wire index Wire value

Gate definition subtable

i_e_g_def g_def l_def r_def o_def
Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Internal enable gate defintion Gate type to define Left input value Right input value Resultant output value

Expected input and output subtable

e_i_o i_o_val
Instance Instance
Enable value Input or output value

IOSatCircuit - Constraints

  • Logic gates satisfied

    (i_e_g * e_g, g, l_val, r_val, o_val) 
        ∈ (i_e_g_def, g_def, l_def, r_def, o_def);
  • Wire assignments satisfied

    (i_e_g * e_g, l_idx, l_val) ∈ (i_e_w, idx, val);
    (i_e_g * e_g, r_idx, r_val) ∈ (i_e_w, idx, val);
    (i_e_g * e_g, o_idx, o_val) ∈ (i_e_w, idx, val);
  • Input/output constraints satisfied

    e_i_o * (val - i_o_val) == 0;


PropDelayCircuit - PLONKish Arithmetization Table

Gate inputs and output with prop delay Max inputs prop delay Wire prop delay assignments Gate prop delay defintion Range check byte Cumulative max wire prop delays Max prop delay Circuit netlist commitment

Gate inputs and output with prop delay subtable

i_e_g e_g g g_pd l_idx l_pd r_idx r_pd o_idx o_pd
Fixed Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice
Internal enable gate Enable gate Gate type Gate prop delay Left input index Left input prop delay Right input index Right input prop delay Output index Output prop delay

Max inputs prop delay subtable

l_pd_bytes r_pd_bytes diff_bytes s_max
Advice[4] Advice[4] Advice[4] Advice

Wire prop delay assignments subtable

i_e_w_pd idx pd
Fixed Fixed Advice
Internal enable wire prop delay assignment Wire index Wire prop delay

Gate prop delay definition subtable

i_e_g_pd_def g_def g_pd_def
Fixed Fixed Fixed
Internal enable gate prop delay definition Gate type to define prop delay of Gate prop dealy

Range check byte LUT

i_e_rc_byte byte_possible_vals
Fixed Fixed
Internal enable range check byte Possible value of a byte

Cumulative max wire prop delays

max_till_now max_till_now_bytes pd_bytes c_diff_bytes c_s_max max max_prop_delay
Advice Advice[4] Advice[4] Advice[4] Advice Advice Instance

PropDelayCircuit - Constraints

  • Correct propagation delay lookups

    (i_e_g * e_g, g, g_pd) ∈ (i_e_g_pd_def, g_def, g_pd_def);
    (i_e_g * e_g, l_idx, l_pd) ∈ (i_e_w_pd, idx, pd);
    (i_e_g * e_g, r_idx, r_pd) ∈ (i_e_w_pd, idx, pd);
    (i_e_g * e_g, o_idx, o_pd) ∈ (i_e_w_pd, idx, pd);
  • Max inputs prop delay calculated properly

    // Byte decomposition done correctly
    for i in range(4): (i_e_g * eg, l_pd_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    for i in range(4): (i_e_g * eg, r_pd_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    for i in range(4): (i_e_g * eg, diff_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    sum(l_pd_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4)) - l_pd == 0;
    sum(r_pd_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4)) - r_pd == 0;
    // s_max is a boolean; s_max 0 means l_pd is greater, 1 means r_pd is greater
    s_max * (1 - s_max) * (i_e_g * e_g) == 0;
    // alias: diff = sum(diff_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4))
    (s_max * (l_pd + diff - r_pd) + (1 - s_max) * (r_pd + diff - l_pd))  * (i_e_g * e_g) == 0;
  • Inputs to output prop delay calculated properly

    (s_max * r_pd + (1 - s_max) * l_pd + g_pd - o_pd) * (i_e_g * e_g) == 0;
  • Cumulative max calculated correctly

    // Byte decomposition done correctly
    for i in range(4): (i_e_w_pd, max_till_now_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    for i in range(4): (i_e_w_pd, pd_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    for i in range(4): (i_e_w_pd, c_diff_bytes[i]) ∈ (i_e_rc_byte, byte_possible_vals);
    sum(max_till_now_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4)) - max_till_now == 0;
    sum(pd_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4)) - pd == 0;
    // c_s_max is a boolean; c_s_max 0 means max_till_now is greater, 1 means el is greater
    c_s_max * (1 - c_s_max) * (i_e_w_pd) == 0;
    // alias: c_diff = sum(c_diff_bytes[i]*(256**i) for i in range(4))
    (c_s_max * (max_till_now + c_diff - el) + (1 - s_max) * (el + c_diff - max_till_now))  * (i_e_w_pd) == 0;
    (c_s_max * el + (1 - c_s_max) * max_till_now - max) * i_e_w_pd == 0
    // max_till_now copy
    max_till_now ==copy max from previous row 
    max_till_now = 0 for the first row
    // expose public
    max[W-1] ==copy max_prop_delay[0]

MiMC7 CBC encryption

  • Block size = 1 field element = 255 bits (BLS12-381 scalar field size)
  • Num rounds = ceil(log(2**255, 7)) = 91
  • One block corresponds to 4 circuit netlist rows
  • Gate encoded as 3 bits and wire indexes encoded as 20 bits
    • Size of 4 circuit netlist rows = (3 + 20 * 3) * 4 = 252 bits
    • Gate number 0 is when i_e_g is 0
  • Gate value already constrained to 3 bits because of the lookup in the Gate Definition Table
  • Wire indexes already constrained to be less than the circuit hyperparameter W; thus W must be <= 2**20

MiMC7 CBC encryption - PLONKish Arithmetization Table

s k iv x_in x_0 ... x_91 x_out enc_out
Fixed Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Advice Instance
Enable cipher every 4 rows Key Initialization value Cipher input Aux input Intermediate values Aux output Cipher output Encrypted output

MiMC7 CBC encryption - Constraints

  • Round function

    s * ((x_[i] + c_[i] + k) ** 7 - x_[i+1]) == 0 for i in 0..91;
  • Cipher input/output

    s * (x_in + iv - x_0) == 0;
    s * (x_91 + k - x_out) == 0;
  • Key copy

    // same k copied throughout the column 
  • Initialization value copy

    // iv == 0 for the first row
    // iv ==copy (x_out from the previous row) for the remaining rows
  • Expose encrypted output

    // enc_out[i] ==copy x_out[4*i]

Poseidon hash

  • Use the implementation from halo2_gadgets
  • Additionally, create a single new instance column named hash_out
  • Constrain hash output from Poseidon gadget ==copy hash_out[0]

Circuit netlist commitment

  • Sample a random key K
  • Encrypt the circuit netlist with MiMC7 CBC encryption using the key K
  • Expose public the encrypted circuit netlist
  • Hash K using the Poseidon gadget
  • Expose public this hashed value of K

Circuit netlist commitment - Arithmetization and Constraints

  • Circuit netlist encryption

    • Instantitate MiMC7 CBC encryption arithmetization table

    • Constrain

      // s := enable input encode (fixed column); enabled every range(0, G, 4)
      l0 := g + l_idx * 2**3 + r_idx * 2**23 + o_idx * 2**43;
      l1 := g[+1] + l_idx[+1] * 2**3 + r_idx[+1] * 2**23 + o_idx[+1] * 2**43;
      l2 := g[+2] + l_idx[+2] * 2**3 + r_idx[+2] * 2**23 + o_idx[+2] * 2**43;
      l2 := g[+3] + l_idx[+3] * 2**3 + r_idx[+3] * 2**23 + o_idx[+3] * 2**43;
      s * (l0 + l1 * 2**63 + l2 * 2**126 + l3 * 2**189 - x_in) == 0;
  • Hashing K

    • Instantiate Poseidon gadget

    • Constrain

      // first value of k in the MiMC Key column == message input of the Poseidon gadget`


Boolean Circuit Simulator implemented in Zero-Knowledge







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