Workload of Dialog, Batch, UPD, ENQ Processes Processes This check don´t use a login to the sap-system. I use the sapcontrol binarie to check the ccms output from sap. The sapcontrol is installed on every sap-system with a new sap-kernel.
The tool is installed on the following path: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe
You can use the sapcontrol for many things. Start,stop, monitoring and so on..... The check can monitor # sap-ccms # Utilization of the abap-processes ( Dialog, Batch, Spool, Update, Update2, Enqueu ). # SAP-ICM Connections
I have to methodes to use this check.
1. You install the hostctrl on the icinga-system.
Use the sapcontrol-binarie directly from icinga-system without ssh and sudo.
That is the preferred way!!
The sapcontrol-binarie is an component of the sap hostcontrol-system.
The newer sap-system must use the hostcontrol-service with sapstartsrv.
Syntax to test the connection from icinga-sapcontrol to remote-system with:
/<path_to_binarie>/sapcontrol -host <sap-hostname> -nr <sysnr> -function GetVersionInfo
Attention: on the newer sap-kernel releases beginning 7.30 you have a new
security-featur of sapcontrol.
Only the <sid>adm can use the sapcontrol binarie or you must allow another user
to use the sapcontrol binarie
Errormessage: FAIL: HTTP error, HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
/<path_to_binarie>/sapcontrol -host <sap-hostname> -nr <sysnr> -function GetVersionInfo -user <user> <pass>
If you don´t want use the <sid>adm to check the sap-system.
You must define in the sap-profile another user.
Please greate in /sapmnt/<SID>/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS_<HOSTNAME> a new value ->
service/admin_users = <USERNAME>
To activate the the parameter you must restart the sapstartsrv process
with the following command:
/<ON_REMOTE_SAP_SYSTEM_PATH>/sapcontrol -nr 62 -function RestartService
-> the command only restart the sapstartsrv not the sap-system
2. You can use check_by_ssh and the sapcontrol on the remote-machine.
The binary use the account <root> to connect to the system.
This is sap-standard!
Configure the sudo command on the remote-machine.
The check_plugin should only use with your nagios-user and check per ssh the remote-machine.
This is the command ->
sudo su - root -c /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol
The sudo-file on the remote-machine have this entry:
%nagios ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/su - root -c /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr * -function GetAlertTree*
Adv: no software installation on the icinga-system
DisAdv: all sapchecks use a ssh-call -host < HOSTNAME > -sysnr < SYSNR > -meth < sap|nag|ls|cons > -< obj|function > < MONITORING-OBJEKT > -backend < abap|java|trex|multi > -w < WARNING-LEVEL > -c < CRITICAL-LEVEL > -t < TIME_IN_SEC > -sudo < 0|1 > -user < user > -pass < password >
-sysnr: SAP-System-NR
-meth: < sap|nag|ls|cons >
sap: The alarmlevels are used from sap-ccms-methode ta:rz20. The SAP-LEVEL are GREEN, YELLOW, RED, GRAY.
nag: The alarmlevel warning or critical are used from nagios. This options are -w (warning) and -c (critical).
ls: List the monitoring tree with all objects.
cons: You can use other objects without ccms. For more information use sapcontrol -h.
abap ->
Free Memory -> Free Memory OS
Paging\\Page_IN -> PageIn
Paging\\Page_Out -> PageOut
Swap_Space\\Percentage_Used -> SWAP Space usage %
Utilisation Granule Entries -> DE: Sperrtabelle
Gateway_CommAdmEnty -> DE: SAP Gateway Verbindungen
PerformanceU1\\Utilisation -> Performance UPD1
OS_Collector\\State -> OS Collector State
CacheHits -> CacheHits %
CacheHitsMem -> CacheHitsMem %
ResponseTime -> Dialog Response Time msec
FrontendResponseTime -> Frontend Response Time msec
UsersLoggedIn -> Number of Users logged in
LDAP_RFC-01\\Status -> LDAP Connector 01 State
EM Used -> Extended Memory Usage %
R3RollUsed -> Roll area usage %
Shortdumps -> ABAP Shortdumps st22. You should use with -obj: sap
Shortdumps Frequency -> ABAP Shutdump frequenze
deadlocks -> deadlocks
HostspoolListUsed -> Used Spool Numbers %
SyslogFreq -> Syslogfrequency %
R3Syslog\\Security -> Syslog analysis scope: security messages
R3Syslog\\CCMS -> Syslog analysis scope: ccms messages
DBRequestTime -> RequestTime
SqlError -> SQL-Error
Java ->
HTTPConnectionsCount -> dispatcher http connections
Average response time -> msec. DE: durchschnittliche Antwortzeit
UsedMemoryRate -> Memory Usage
UnsuccessfulLogonAttemptsCount -> Unsuccessful Logons
CurrentHttpSessions -> act. http sessions
Trex ->
Free Memory -> Free Memory \%
IndexServer Memory -> Index Server Memory
QueueServer Memory -> Queue Server Memory
RfcServer Memory -> RFC Server Memory
Build -> TREX Version
Search Time -> Performance: Search Time
Search Count -> Performance: Request per minute
RFC Check -> RFC Connections to backend systems
Index Status -> Index State
Build -> TREX Version
-function: use this with -meth: cons
ABAPGetWPTable -> Processtable of sap-system ( dia-proc, btc-proc, upd-proc, spo-proc, up2-proc )
ICMGetConnectionList-> Number if ICM Connections
-backend: Type of sap-backend system
abap: abap-backend-system
java: java-backend-system
trex: trex-backend-system
multi: multiline output for meth: cons
-w: warning-level
-c: critical Level
-t: plugin timeout, default: 30 sec.
-sudo: 1
This parameter is optional.
If you set the parameter to 1 the icinga-system check with ssh and sudo command on remote-site
-user: < user >
You can use this paramter for the sap-kernels newer then 7.21
-pass: < password >
You can use this paramter for the sap-kernels newer then 7.21
GetAlertTree FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connection refused), NiRawConnect failed in plugin_fopen -> The sap-system-nr is incorrect.
FAIL: HTTP error, HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized -> You use a new sap-kernel binarie (greater then 7.21)
In this new version the sapstartsrv service have security features enabled.
Set the paramter service/protectedwebmethods=NONE in the sap-instance profile
NONE->sapstartsrv-security-features disabled
For more information have a look at SAP-Note 927637.
Other solution, you can create a monitoring user in sap-profile!
If you want other monitoring objects from ccms, please use the following command
to investigate which objects are available.
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <SYSNR> -function GetAlertTree
or -host <HOSTNAME> -nr <SYSNR> -meth ls
Version: -v
Syntax: -host <hostname> -sysnr <SYSNR> -meth <sap|nag|ls|cons> -<obj|function> <OBJEKT> -backend <abap|java|trex|multi> -w <WARNING-LEVEL> -c <CRITICAL-LEVEL> -t <TIME_IN_SEC>
Examples: -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth ls
List all montoring-objects from sap-system -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth ls -sudo 1
List all monitoring-objects from backend, but use the sapcontrol binarie
from backend-system with ssh connection and sudo command -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth sap -obj CacheHits -backend abap
Output of sap-abap cachehits with alarmlevel from sap-ccms -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth nag -obj CacheHits -backend abap -w 60 -c 80
Output of sap-abap cachehits with alarmlevel from nagios-system -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth cons -function ABAPGetWPTable -backend multi -w 80 -c 90
Output of sap-processes, DIA-Usage, BTC-Usage, SPO-Usage, UPD-Usage, UP2-Usage -host <host> -sysnr 00 -meth cons -function ABAPGetWPTable -backend multi -w 80 -c 90 -user <USER> -pass <PASS>
Output of sap-processes, DIA-Usage, BTC-Usage, SPO-Usage, UPD-Usage, UP2-Usage
# ABAPReadSyslog -> Syslog (TA:sm21)
# J2EEGetProcessList -> J2EE-Processes running
# an so on...