A babashka-tasks porcelain inside emacs.
Doom looks for local packages in two dirs, including ~/.doom.d/{local-repo}.
A symlink to there, plus the following in package.el addition, then a doom sync worked for me.
# linux
ln -s ~/.doom.d/fabb ~/teknql/fabb
# osx
ln -s ~/teknql/fabb ~/.doom.d/fabb
;; doom packages.el
(package! fabb :recipe (:local-repo "fabb" :build (:not compile)))
Then you can configure fab like:
;; doom config.el
(:leader :desc "Fabb Status" :nv "f" #'fabb-status))
(use-package! fabb
(:map fabb-mode-map
:n "/" #'fabb-invoke-ivy
:n "?" #'fabb-dispatch)))
Configuring from the doom config fixes some common bindings issues, given that many of the bindings get overwritten by doom/evil/etc, and it doesn’t seem worth adding hacks into fabb to work around that.
Things may only work due to implicit deps in my config right now
The linter led me to require these:
(require 's)
(require 'parseedn)
(require 'compile)
(require 'ivy)
(require 'evil)
(require 'cl-lib)
Not all of these are strictly necessary
Fabb is quite useful in my daily work already! There may be some rough edges, but it’s quicker to run bb commands than popping open a shell in emacs or otherwise.
Currently I configure the bindings in my personal doom config like so:
(:leader :desc "Fabb Status" :nv "f" #'fabb-status))
(:after fabb
(:map fabb-mode-map
:n "i" #'fabb-invoke-ivy
:n "?" #'fabb-dispatch
:n "f" #'fabb-dispatch
:n "q" #'quit-window)
(:map fabb-status-mode-map
:n "r" #'fabb-status-invoke-task-and-show-buffer
:n "R" #'fabb-status-invoke-task-in-background
:n "e" #'fabb-status-edit-and-invoke-task
:n "RET" #'fabb-status-show-task-buffer
:n "x" #'fabb-kill-fabb-buffers
:n "j" #'fabb-status-goto-next-task
:n "k" #'fabb-status-goto-previous-task)
(:map fabb-task-mode-map
:n "i" #'fabb-invoke-ivy
:n "?" #'fabb-dispatch
:n "e" #'fabb-task-edit-and-reinvoke-task
:n "r" #'fabb-task-reinvoke-task-prompt
:n "R" #'fabb-task-reinvoke-task-no-prompt))
(:map compilation-mode-map
:n "C-k" nil
:n "C-j" nil)
(:map compilation-minor-mode-map
:n "C-k" nil
:n "C-j" nil))
(use-package! fabb)