Easier service location and dependency injection for Pyramid.
Define services:
# app/services/__init__.py
from .my import MyService
from .another import AnotherService
# app/services/my.py
from pyramid_di import service, RequestScopedBaseService, autowired
class MyService(RequestScopedBaseService):
def my_method(self):
return 'foobar'
# app/services/another.py
from pyramid_di import service, RequestScopedBaseService, autowired
from .my import MyService
class AnotherService(RequestScopedBaseService):
dependency = autowired(MyService)
def another_method(self):
return self.dependency.my_method()
Setup when creating the Pyramid app:
# Pyramid setup code:
from pyramid.config import Configurator
with Configurator() as config:
Use in views:
from pyramid_di import autowired
from pyramid.view import view_config
from my.services import AnotherService
class MyViews:
service = autowired(AnotherService)
def __init__(self, request):
# self.request is required for autowired to work
self.request = request
@view_config(route_name='some_view', renderer='json')
def some_view(self):
return self.service.another_method() # 'foobar'
# alternatively, without class-based views:
def some_view(request):
service = request.find_service(AnotherService)
service.another_method() # 'foobar'
class MockService:
def another_method(self):
return 'mocked'
def test_views():
request = DummyRequest()
my_views = MyViews(request)
my_views.service = MockService()
assert my_views.some_view() == 'mocked'
Dev setup:
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ pip install -e '.[dev]'
Tests are run with pytest:
$ pytest