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High Level System Design SmartScreenshot

aditya-xq edited this page Jun 1, 2023 · 2 revisions

To implement the SmartScreenshot feature in DataDex, the following high-level system design can be considered:

  1. User Interface (UI)

    • Develop a user interface that allows users to initiate the screenshot-capturing process and interact with the drawing tool for highlighting and annotating.
    • Include options for customizing highlighter properties such as color, thickness, and style.
    • Implement undo and redo functionalities for editing the highlights.
    • Provide controls for initiating the automatic mode, if applicable.
  2. Screenshot Capture

    • Utilize browser APIs or libraries (such as Chrome's chrome.tabs API) to capture a screenshot of the web page.
    • Allow users to capture the entire web page or a specific portion by providing an interface for selecting the desired area.
    • Ensure cross-browser compatibility and handle any browser-specific limitations or permissions.
  3. Drawing and Annotation

    • Implement a drawing tool within the UI for users to highlight and annotate the captured screenshot.
    • Provide functionality for drawing shapes (e.g., rectangles, circles), lines, and text on the screenshot.
    • Enable customization of highlighter properties such as color, thickness, and style.
  4. Image Processing and Rendering

    • Apply image processing techniques to overlay the user's highlights on the captured screenshot.
    • Render the final image with the highlighted portions visible.
    • Display the final image within the UI for the user to preview and further edit if needed.
  5. Copy and Save Options

    • Offer options to copy the final image to the clipboard for easy sharing or integration with other applications.
    • Provide the ability to save the final image as a PNG file to the user's local device or cloud storage.
  6. Automatic Mode

    • If applicable, implement an automatic mode that uses computer vision algorithms to identify the screenshot's most suitable angle and viewport.
    • Develop algorithms to automatically identify important web page parts and add highlights without manual editing.
    • Provide a user-friendly interface to enable or disable the automatic mode.
  7. Integration and Compatibility

    • Ensure compatibility with different browsers by following browser-specific APIs and standards.
    • Consider integrating with popular content management systems or note-taking platforms to provide a seamless workflow for content creators.
  8. Error Handling and Logging

    • Implement error handling mechanisms to handle exceptions and gracefully provide meaningful error messages to users.
    • Incorporate logging functionalities to capture relevant events and errors for troubleshooting and future enhancements.

Please note that this is a high-level system design, and further detailed design and implementation considerations will be required to build the SmartScreenshot feature effectively.

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