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Erik W edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 10 revisions

###Create a View Model

For our example, let's assume we have a document type with the alias BlogEntry set up with the following properties:

Property Name Alias Type
Title title Textstring
PostedDate postedDate Date Picker
Content content Richtext editor

We can create a class for this document type:

[UmbracoEntity(AutoMap = true)]
public class BlogEntryViewModel
	public string Title { get; set; }
	public DateTime PostDate { get; set; }

	public string Content { get; set; }	

What are those attributes?

UmbracoEntity tells Vault that it can create an instance of this class. Setting AutoMap to true instructs Vault to attempt to fill all properties that have public setters unless they are explicitly ignored using the UmbracoIgnoreProperty attribute.

The UmbracoRichTextProperty attribute is a special case that instructs Vault to process the property as rich text content, which includes the processing of macros.

Get the content

You can get hydrated instances of the model into your view several different ways. Here are a few basic examples of explicitly getting hydrated models:

// Gets a BlogEntry hydrated from the current Node Id
var model = Vault.Context.GetCurrent<BlogEntryViewModel>();
// Gets a BlogEntry hydrated from a specific Node Id
var model = Vault.Context.GetContentById<BlogEntryViewModel>(myNodeId);

So how does it work? By default, Vault will look at each property type, lower-case the first character and use the result as a property alias for which to get data from Umbraco (i.e. the Title class property will be given the value of the title cms property).

Like most conventions in Vault, there are ways to override the default behavior. More on that later.

Pass it to the view

Once your have your hydrated instance, simply pass it into your view:

return CurrentTemplate(model);

Full Example

public class BlogEntryController : RenderMvcController
    public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
        var vm = Vault.Context.GetCurrent<BlogEntryViewModel>();

        // Perform additional manipulation to the view model here
        vm.AdditionalProperty = "This is a test";

        return CurrentTemplate(vm);

Of course, this setup requires that we create a controller for every template, even simple ones. That's not helping us at all. Let's fix that below.

Using the Vault Default Controller

Vault ships with two default controllers that extend/replace the Umbraco default controller. These controllers make it incredibly fast and easy to wire up strongly-typed view models to views.

Here's how to get started.

###Default Controller Setup

In your ApplicationStarting event (often found in a class extending ApplicationEventHandler), place the following code:


Create a class

Let's create a view model (just like above). Note the namespace this time.

namespace MySite.Models.ContentModels 
	[UmbracoEntity(AutoMap = true)]
	public class BlogEntryViewModel
		public string Title { get; set; }
		public DateTime PostDate { get; set; }
		public string Content { get; set; }	

An important note about naming conventions: the Vault generic controller will take the name of the current template, append the text "ViewModel" and try to create that type using the currently-registered namespaces (see next step). This means that when using the Vault default controllers, it is important that the name of the View Model matches the Template Alias, not the Document Type Alias.

This is less important when your Document Types and Templates having matching aliases, but of course this isn't always the case.

Register a namespace

Now, let's register the namespace and assembly with Vault (Note: in the upcoming version of Vault, this step will likely be removed).


Create the view

Finally, we can create our template, called BlogEntry in Umbraco:

@model MySite.Models.ContentModels.BlogEntryPage
    Layout = "MainLayout.cshtml";


An important note

By default, your view probably had something like this at the top:

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage

This is necessary when using Umbraco's default controller, but it is not necessary (or correct) when using the VaultRenderMvcController.

You will get a runtime error if you leave the @inherits ... UmbracoTemplatePage code at the top of any view in the render chain (including your parent templates). Simply remove it and be happy you no longer have to deal with it.

###Hold on, what if I need Umbraco node information in my View Model?

There are a variety of reasons one might need Umbraco node information available. The fastest way to get this information in a Vault-hydrated view model is to add a property like this to your model class:

public IPublishedContent CmsContent { get; set; }

The name of the property is not important, but the type is. Note that if you have more than one IPublishedContent property in a class, only the first one will get set.

This property will get set to the node data that is hydrating the model, not necessarily the current node's data. This is especially important when Vault fills out deeper object graphs and/or lists.

The Mapping Process

When an object is requested to be mapped, this is a high level view of the logic that decides how to fulfil the request. See Extending Vault for more detail about specific property mapping logic and extensibility points.

Vault Mapping Process