New feature - !announce <bb/mp> <on/off> - Turn on and off announcer for mutliplayer/builder base trophy changes
Create "bot.env" file with the following parameters for your CoC API
EMAIL="[email protected]"
PASSWORD="Developer account pass"
!login [adminpass] # Private message the bot to login, to avoid people seeing your admin password
!announce <bb/mp> <on/off> # Turn on or off for builder base/mutliplayer trophy changes / admin only
!link <clan / player> <clan/playertag>
!link clan [clantag]
!link player [playertag]
tags not needed for following commands if !link'ed clan/playertag
!stats [optional: playertag]
!clan [optional: clantag]
!troops [optional: playertag]
!showmembers [optional: clantag]
!war [shows war stats for current/recent wars]
!reloadcolors [change bot colors in config and reload on-the-fly]