A Python script to generate strong passwords that are easy to remember.
Inspired by xkcd:
It uses a file called wordlist.txt
in the same directory as source for the
words to be used. In the package I included a list based on the
Oxford 3000, but
you can use any other list.
It's highly recommended that you install PyCrypto,
so the random number generator is cryptographically secure. It will work without
it as well, defaulting to Python's own random
> pip install pycrypto
> easy_install pycrypto
Usage is simple:
> ./generate_password.py
correcthorsebatterystaple correct.horse.battery.staple
You can also generate passwords with a different number of words:
> ./generate_password.py -w 3
philosophyobviousfancy philosophy.obvious.fancy
You also can put constraints on the length of the words to be used, for instance to only consider words that are 3 to 5 letters long:
> ./generate_password.py --min-word-length 3 --max-word-length 5
backpintwrapready back.pint.wrap.ready
Use this carefully, as it might reduce the number of possible words a LOT, resulting in weaker passwords.
Or generate a couple of passwords at the same time to pick one you like:
> ./generate_password.py -n 10
developmentfalseorganizedonly development.false.organized.only
shapekilometrecontrastcouncil shape.kilometre.contrast.council
woundtheorybulletgovernor wound.theory.bullet.governor
playerderivetwiststressed player.derive.twist.stressed
destroyleanindependencehearing destroy.lean.independence.hearing
carelessbelllisthang careless.bell.list.hang
handleinvolvementheavenbeside handle.involvement.heaven.beside
restrictedworsemeandouble restricted.worse.mean.double
extremetransparentrollscrew extreme.transparent.roll.screw
scaredvalidjewellerycrop scared.valid.jewellery.crop
Furthermore it can give you some more information about the generated password(s):
> ./generate_password.py -v
cableheatingtailcombination cable.heating.tail.combination
length: 27 chars, size: 127 bits, strength: 47 bits
Finally it has a mode to output all passwords and their info in a tab-separated list for further processing. For instance to sort by length:
> ./generate_password.py -w 2 -n 8 -l | sort -nk 3
sidegreat side.great 9 43 24
commitonce commit.once 10 48 24
listenslow listen.slow 10 48 24
ruinforget ruin.forget 10 48 24
easilyplant easily.plant 11 52 24
measureborder measure.border 13 62 24
determineactor determine.actor 14 66 24
vehicleleading vehicle.leading 14 66 24