An simple add-on for Lunar that triggers jobs based on how long a cart has been inactive for.
First, require as a composer dependency:
composer require thoughtco/lunar-cart-abandonment
Then publish the config file to allow you to define triggers and jobs.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar-cart-abandonment-config
You define triggers by adding new arrays to the triggers
key in the config file, eg:
'interval' => 5, // minutes
'job' => \App\Jobs\CartAbandonment::class,
'queue' => 'default', // optional
'queue_connection' => 'redis', // optional
'config' => [], // this will be passed to your job along with the cart
Your job should expect 2 arguments, $cart
and $config
If you don't want the scheduled task to run every 5 minutes, you can change the frequency by using the schedule_interval
config setting.
This is a free addon so support is provided on an as-we-have-capacity basis. If you have a feature request or experience a bug, please open a GitHub Issue.
Only the latest version of this addon is supported. If you open a bug report using an old version, your issue will be closed.