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Tim Olson edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 6 revisions


The Issues tagged "Want Help" are the easier ones to start with: adding exchanges, listings, and currencies. Currencys are easy; we just need to know the symbol and the settlement unit (e.g. satoshis are 1e-8 and pennies are 0.01). Adding Markets is not difficult either; it is mostly just editing a properties file. See How to Add an XChange. Maintaining the Listings available on each Market is also easy; just edit the file.

More ambitious would be to add a new command or data export function.

If you're into data-visualization, Coin Trader could stream data updates to a JavaScript graphing lib: something like Jetty => JAX-RS => streaming JSON => javascript wouldn't take much to get going in a new server RunMode.


BTC: 1traders357PMCqzo3PLKrGjZgokBoB9F

All proceeds will be used to support this open-source project. The next donation goal is to set up data collection servers that provide historical data for the Coin Trader community.

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