I'm a French π«π· staff developer, currently working at Coveo. Right now, I'm having fun with ReactJs, NextJs, Mantine, Symfony, API Platform, Sylius, Bulma, Docker...
- mantinedev/mantine - A fully featured React components library (3 months ago)
- toofff/dragula2 - π Drag and drop so simple it hurts (7 months ago)
- coveo/platform-client (v46.1.1, 3 days ago) - Official Coveo Cloud APIs JavaScript Client
- coveo/plasma (v52.16.2, 5 days ago) - Plasma components implemented with React!
- mantinedev/mantine (6.0.20, 6 days ago) - A fully featured React components library
- Website: http://toofff.com
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/yanoucrea
- Bolt Slack: https://boltcms.slack.com (toofff)
- Sylius Slack: https://sylius-devs.slack.com (toofff)
- Symfony Slack: https://symfony.com/slack (toofff)