Coin Gecko Api Node js wrapper
npm i coingecko-api-pro
//1. Import coingeckojs
const CoinGecko = require('coingecko-api-pro');
//2. Initiate the CoinGecko API Client
const CoinGeckoClient = new CoinGecko();
//3. Make calls
var func = async() => {
let data = await;
You can also find the another sample usages and test files on the
Ping | function |
/ping | |
Simple | function |
/simple/price | _client.simple.tokenPrice() |
/simple/token_price/:id | _client.simple.price() |
/simple/supported_vs_currencies | _client.simple.supportedVsCurrencies() |
Coins | function |
/coins/list | _client.coins.list() |
/coins/markets | |
/coins/:id | _client.coins.coinById() |
/coins/:id/tickers | _client.coins.tickersById() |
/coins/:id/history | client.coinIdHistory() |
/coins/id/market_chart | _client.coins.marketChartById() |
/coins/{id}/market_chart/range | _client.coins.marketChartRangeById() |
/coins/{id}/status_updates | _client.coins.statusUpdateById() |
/coins/{id}/ohlc | _client.coins.ohlcById() |
Contract | function |
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address} | _client.contract.getCoinInfo() |
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/ | _client.contract.getMarketChart() |
/coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range | _client.contract.getMarketChartRange() |
Asset Platforms | function |
/asset_platforms | _client.assetPlatform() |
Categories | function |
/coins/categories/list | _client.categories.listCategories() |
/coins/categories | _client.categories.listCategoriesWithMarketData() |
Exchanges | function |
/exchanges | _client.exchanges.exchanges() |
/exchanges/list | _client.exchanges.exchangesList() |
/exchanges/{id} | _client.exchanges.exchangesById() |
/exchanges/{id}/tickers | _client.exchanges.tickerById() |
/exchanges/{id}/status_update | _client.exchanges.statusUpdatesById() |
/exchanges/{id}/volume_chart | _client.exchanges.volumeChartById() |
Finance | function |
/finance_platforms | |
/finance_products | |
Indexes | function |
/indexes | _client.index.indexes() |
/indexes/{market_id}/{id} | _client.index.byMarketIdandId() |
/indexes/list | _client.index.indexesList() |
Derivatives | function |
/derivatives | _client.derivatives.derivatives() |
/derivatives/exchanges | _client.derivatives.Exchanges() |
/derivatives/exchanges/{id} | _client.derivatives.ExchangesById() |
/derivatives/exchanges/list | _client.derivatives.ExchangesList() |
Status Update | function |
/status_updates | _client.statusUpdate() |
Exchange Rates | function |
/exchange_rates | _client.exchangeRates() |
Trending | function |
/search/trending | _client.trending() |
Global | function |
/global | |
/global/decentralized_finance_defi | |