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BSP for TQMa117xL starter kit based on MCU SDK from NXP


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This guide contains instructions for configuring the build system, building targets, and executing the demonstration applications included in this repository, specifically designed for TQ-developed boards using the i.MX MCU family from NXP.

Table of Contents


Getting Started


NOTE: The versions provided are the ones with which the build system and its artifacts were tested.

  • Arm GNU Toolchain: arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-[host system]-arm-none-eabi
  • GCC: 12.2.1
  • Visual Studio Code: v1.8.1^
  • NXP's MCUXpresso SDK: MCUX_2.14.0_UPDATE_ENHC1
  • CMake: v3.27.4
  • West: v1.0.0
  • Python: v3.10.4
  • For Windows:
    • MinGW: v13.1.0
  • For Debug only:

VS-Code Extensions

  • CMake tools (from Microsoft): v1.16.3^
    • ID: ms-vscode.cmake-tools
    • Advice: Check if the 'Status-Bar-Visibility' option is set to 'visible'.
  • For Debug only:
    • Cortex-Debug (from marus25): v1.12.0^
      • ID: marus25.cortex-debug


  • Python3 installation (needed for the west repo tool and helper scripts).
  • Install Arm GNU Toolchain. Use the .exe file for installation or unpack the archive to the desired path.
  • Install CMake and ensure that CMake is added to the system path.
  • Windows only: Install MinGW and add its bin directory to the system PATH variable. For example: <Path to MinGW>/MinGW/bin.
  • Set the environmental variable ARMGCC_DIR pointing to the toolchain installation dir:
    • Use the "cmake.environment" option under settings.json.
    • Create a system variable.
  • Debugging only: Install Segger J-link (Version used: 7.92).
  • Clone via 'west' NXP's mcu-sdk repository following the instructions under Clone repository from NXP.

Clone Repository from NXP

This repository uses NXP's MCUX SDK repository. NXP's MCUX SDK uses the Zephyr West Tool to manage multiple Git repositories.

To clone the NXP's mcu-sdk repository using West, open a terminal and execute the following commands:

pip install west
cd  <project path>\dependencies
west init -m --mr MCUX_2.16.000 mcuxsdk
cd mcuxsdk
west update

NOTE: You can also install mcuxsdk in another path. If you did so, set the MCUXSDK_ROOT environment variable to the mcuxsdk path before building. Use the same procedure as for the variable ARMGCC_DIR.

Afterwards, copy into the same directory as the mcuxsdk. ATTENTION: This step is absolutely necessary!

After downloading the SDK from NXP using West, the Python script must be run once. This is required because targets set to global cannot be built in the same build folder due to the existing include guards in the CMake files in the NXP SDK.

cd <project path>
python3 <project path>/dependencies/

This step will be executed automatically every time CMake generates the build system. CMake will check for the patched.txt file in your mcuxsdk dir after every execution. If this file exists, the patch script won't be executed again through a build command.


Building from the Command Line

When using from the command line, CMake has to know where to find the toolchain:

  • Set the environment variable ARMGCC_DIR pointing to the toolchain installation dir.
  • If using multiple versions of cmake in parallel, you can define a variable CMAKE pointing to the executable to use.
  • Use the following flags to configure your build from the cmake command line.
Flag Meaning
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE must point to <project path>/dependencies/mcuxsdk/core/tools/cmake_toolchain_files/armgcc.cmake
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE following different types are tested in SDK: Debug, Release
bootDisk Linker file selection, e.g., Ram, Flash

NOTE: Available bootDisk settings are listed under the specific board README.

  • Set the build directory to the path build using -B <project path>/build.
  • Set the build generator using -G <your generator>.

Generate Build System Command

cd <project path>
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="dependencies\mcuxsdk\core\tools\cmake_toolchain_files\armgcc.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=
"Debug" -DbootDisk="Ram" -B ".\build" -G "MinGW Makefiles" --fresh
  • Build the target.

Build Target Command

cd <project path>
cmake --build ".\build" --config Debug --target < name of .elf-file or "all" > -j 14 -- 

Building with VS-Code

When using the VS-Code support, the following additional steps are needed:

Flags like CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, bootDisk should be set in the .vscode folder. Use the examples for guidance.

Setting Up VS-Code

Building Target

After fulfilling the preparations, VS-Code should be displaying the CMake-Tools option on the lower bar. In order to build a target, select the build variant by clicking on the corresponding option. You can also select your target by clicking on "set default build target".

Click after selection of the desired options on "Build" to build your target(s).

Optionally you can choose the target within the CMake-menu-bar.

Loading Targets

Before running a target, make sure you've minded the boot instructions of your board.

Loading a Target via GDB Server

If you prefer to boot without VS-Code, follow the instructions for debugging within the board's README.

Loading a Target with VS-Code

You can follow the instructions for debugging with VS-Code.


Debugging with VS-Code

The repository utilizes JLinkGDBServerCL alongside the appropriate hardware for debugging in VS-Code. To initiate debugging, you need to configure the debug tool. Once configured, select the debug tool from the left menu bar and choose the desired debug configuration specified within the launch.json. To begin debugging, either click on start debugging or press F5.

  • ATTENTION: Please refer, if existing, to the README of your board for further details on setting up the debugger. Some boards may require special settings.
    • The README should be placed under: examples/


The list of all applications can be found in the board README file.

Build System

Structure of Repository

The general structure is constituted in such a way that it was tried to create as little maintenance effort for the demo repo as possible. Thus, everything that can be summarized in higher-level folders is also deposited there.

Folder/File Description
templates Examples for the VS-Code setting files.
templates/cmake-variants.yaml The Build-Type configurations.
templates/settings.json Configurations for CMake and the cortex-debug tool.
templates/launch.json All debug configurations.
examples Path for the demo applications.
examples/board Generic files used for every app and board-specific information/configuration.
examples/board/cmake CMake related files used for integrating the board into the build system.
examples/board/<file>.mex Configuration file used in MCUX-Config Tools.
build All build-related files.
build/boards/<boardtype>/dist Location for images.
cmake Location for CMake scripts.
dependencies Dependencies and dependencies related files.
dependencies/TQDevices Custom programmed APIs used for the applications.
dependencies/mcuxsdk The downloaded repository from NXP.
dependencies/ A patch script for the mcusdk.
doxy Doxy-file generator configurations.
scripts Scripts for automated build tests and version generation.

The build system was created based on the specifications of NXP. Accordingly, for each app in NXP's repo, all sources from the Driver-APIs and other libs are added to the target named MCUX_SDK_PROJECT_NAME using the target_sources() command. This target is created in the CMakeLists.txt from the application. This scheme is basically also used in this repo. However, all Include-Guards were changed from Global to Directory using the patch script This has the consequence that one build directory can now be used for all apps here. Using the add_subdirectory() command, a directory is added per level, so that there are no conflicts per target. However, this has the disadvantage that the order of all includes must be correct.

Programming Apps

This guide provides instructions and hints on structuring the build system within the context of MCUXpresso SDKs and the build system structure within this repository when creating new apps or boards.

To create a new application, you must create a new folder for it and update the CMakeLists.txt file located in ../examples. Place a new CMakeLists.txt file within the new application directory. You can use any of the CMakeLists.txt files from the demo applications as a template. Once a new directory with an application is created, it must be added to examples/CMakeLists.txt, and the variables in the examples/CMakeList.txt folder must be adjusted accordingly.

The CMakeLists.txt file in the examples/<app_name> directory ensures the correct inclusion of files. To use flags_macros for linking/compiling and configure NXP modules, create a config.cmake file. Templates for this can also be found in the demo applications.

You can add special files globally to all targets by adding them to the BOARD_SRCS variable, or specifically to one target by adding them to the list under add_executable. Note that you should also point to the directory where these files are located by adding it to target_include_directories, especially if the directory is newly created.

If you need your own board files instead of the default ones in this repository, reset the BOARD_SRCS variable with your own file list and the BoardDirPath variable with your desired directory.

Compiler and linker flags are set in the flags.cmake file in the examples/board/cmake directory. However, to configure specific flags, use the config.cmake file in the application folder. There is also a flags_macros.cmake file under cmake in the top-level directory.

When programming, use the linker scripts provided by TQ. You can include your own linker files using the set commands with the variables:

set(LINKER_FILE_RAM "<your_path>")
set(LINKER_FILE_FLASH "<your_path>")

Place the command in the CMakeLists.txt of the application directory before including flags.cmake.

For learning about NXP's API, the examples under mcuxsdk/examples can be helpful.


Except where otherwise noted, all files within this repository are licensed under the following terms, excluding build system files (such as .cmake) and configuration files for development environments (such as Visual Studio Code setup files):

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

All documentation is licensed under CC-BY-4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International Public License).

Copyright (c) 2021 - 2023 TQ-Systems GmbH [email protected],
D-82229 Seefeld, Germany.
Author: Isaac L. L. Yuki

Support Wiki

For more information, please refer to our support wiki.


BSP for TQMa117xL starter kit based on MCU SDK from NXP



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