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Repository files navigation

Netlify Status

System dependencies

  • ruby (~> 3.0)
  • rails (~> 7.0.2)
  • node (~> 16.14)


Run ./bin/setup to install any application dependencies and boot the application using foreman,

foreman start -f

foreman will start both rails and vite server in development mode.

How does this work ?

  • This is a fairly simple Rails app with sprinkles of cells and trailblazer.
  • All documentation MD files and it's compilation logic is stored under app/concepts.
  • All MD files are compiled and generated HTML is stored in public to be served as statically.
  • In local development, if you change any MD file and reload the page in browser, Middleware::WebsiteCompiler will detect the change and compile website again.
  • Newly made changes are persisted in public directory again and will be served back in same the request 🎉
  • Any asset changes are reloaded using vite in HMR mode 🔥

Directory Structure

1. app/concepts (Contains all the operations and MD files to generate documentation HTML)
  1.1 app/concepts/application (Application wide operations and cells)
  1.2 app/concepts/home (Home page operations and cells)
  1.3 app/concepts/documentation (Documentation (Trailblazer, cells, reform etc) operations, cells and MD files)
  1.4 app/concepts/page (Page (About Us, Learn etc) operations, cells and MD files)
2. app/frontend (Contains all the JS, CSS and image files)
3. public (Contains the documentation HTML generated in development mode)
4. public/dist (Contains the documentation HTML generated in production mode (using `rails publish` task))
5. lib/tasks/publish.rake (Contains the rake task to create and push publish commit)
6. lib/middleware/website_compiler.rb (Contains the middleware to check and compile the documentation MD files)
7. config/routes.rb (Contains redirect rules for development env)


Run rails publish to publish any current changes. This will

  1. Generate HTML files in public/dist
  2. Pack Vite assets into public/dist
  3. Commit public/dist into the repository
  4. Push changes to the current branch

If changes are pushed on main branch, netlify will automatically deploy and update the website.

Deploy preview

Always branch when working on new parts of the docs.

When pushing, use rails publish.

Currently, all branches are automatically deployed. This can be configured here:

You can then view the preview by replacing macro-chapter with the branch you want to preview.

Code Snippets

Per default, code snippets using the <%= code ... %> helper tag are extracted from the respective repository when compiling the site. This repository must be sitting in the same directory that website's in. You need to clone all needed repositories.
