The ROS package moveit_state_server
offers services to store the current joint angles or the end effector position (
for example, in the
world frame). Later the robot can return to the saved state. For this purpose, the state is given a unique name when it
is saved via a ROS service. Later an action client, which moves to the stored position using moveit, can be called with
the assigned name.
The package uses the moveit_cpp functionality to access the current state and control the robot.
Moreover, the node can store the joint states persistently in a database. Therefore, it makes use of the mongo database
included in moveit_warehouse. Configured correctly, it stores the joint states in the same database as the moveit motion
planning rviz plugin. Alternatively, the joint states can be persistently stored by saving them as serialized
sensor_msgs/JointState. The parameter database_instead_of_filestorage
in the moveit_state_server.launch
file decides
which persistent joint state storage is used.
If you want to make use of persistently storing joint states in the database, the mongo database must be running. This
be done by selecting the db
param while launching moveit
see moveit documentation: Persistent States
Alternatively, the database can be launched by setting launch_database
in the moveit_state_server.launch
to true or
launch the database.launch
file in the moveit_state_server package directly.
If using the moveit launch file, make sure to select the mongo database plugin and selecting the
same port and hostname as in the launch file for the moveit state server.
roslaunch moveit_state_server database.launch
Launching the moveit_state_server can be done with
roslaunch moveit_state_server moveit_state_server.launch
The service /store_arm_poses
stores either the
current joint angles or the end-effector pose depending on the selected mode. Additionally, the user must provide a name
for the stored state.
int32 mode
string name
std_msgs/Bool success
Note that storing the end-effector pose persistently is not very useful because after restarting the robot the coordinate system will be different. Hence, only the joint states are stored persistently.
The service /retrieve_arm_poses
can be used to retrieve a stored joint_state or end-effector pose.
int32 mode
string name
sensor_msgs/JointState joint_state
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
The action client /move_arm_to_stored_pose
can be used to move the robot such that it is again in a previously stored
The goal message defines the type and name of the goal
int32 mode
string name
int32 success
int32 state
This ROS package requires moveit
, see here, to be installed
If you want to store states persistently with the database, the warehouse-ros-mongo
package must be installed.
sudo apt install ros-noetic-warehouse-ros-mongo
If you find a bug or would like to contribute to this ROS package, please open an issue on the Github repository or submit a pull request.