5 Different architectures have been tested on the Common Voice dataset
Validation accuracy per model:
AttRNN: 46.17
Transofrmer: 51.17
CLSTM: 72.43
ResNet50: 89.25
Resnet101: 90.15
Thus I moved forward with the ResNet architectures
Approximately 1000 hours of audio per language, 85%/15% train/validation split
English: youtube, MITocw, CommonVoice
Spanish: youtube, RTVE, CommonVoice
Hungarian: youtube, nava, CommonVoice
French: youtube, eslo, journal_en_francais_facile_podcast, CommonVoice
Turkish: youtube, CommonVoice
German: ARD, CommonVoice
The audio files have been converted to wav format (sample_rate=16000) and split into 8 second chunks without any filtering thus there can be chunks where there is no speech (intro song/music between speeches). Assuming that all data source has the same amount of 'noise' (where there is no speech) this does not effect the performance of the model.
Audio augmentation has been used so that the model becomes more robust to noise and data anomaly. (pitch shift, volume change, roll and telephone simulation)
Tracking the training metrics using TensorBoard
How to use:
Connect to the server using:
ssh -L 16006:
Launch TensorBoard:
tensorboard --logdir=/home/turib/lang_detection/train/runs/ --port=6006
Open your browser and enter: